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  • Birthday 01/05/1963

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  1. Thanks for the list!
  2. I have 2 TVs plugged in to the video card. (HDMI cables) Sound is coming from the playfield TV. YES, my issues at the moment have been solved.
  3. As for my second question about "Epic Quest" The issue was the table name. I knew it was something simple. Not sure why they can't stick with one name! But on some tables they just don't. Looter is the name used for that table.
  4. Trust me, You were more help to me solving the issue then you might think. Thanks for all you do here!
  5. I have looked for the cause of the "loading time" issue everyday for weeks now. The odd thing is the audio only played for about 4 seconds during the almost 2 minutes it took for that table to load. I could not let go of the fact PinballY loaded the table fine and it also loaded fine using the command line. So I figured it had to be something in PBX causing the delay. After about 45 seconds of the 2 minute load time the playfield screen went blank so I did not think it was a loading video file causing the issue so then I looked at the loading audio file for that table and when I seen it was almost 2 minutes long I thought that must be the cause. First because there was a loading audio file with that table name and because it was almost 2 minutes long. So I added a "B" in front of the name so it would stay where it was in the list but also the name would be changed so it could not be found when the table was loading. I launched the table and it loaded right away. I went back and removed the "B" and loaded the table and it took almost 2 minutes to load. So I went back and added the "B" and again the table loaded right away. So that had to be the issue with the delay in loading. One thing is for sure....I was not going to give up until I or someone else could tell me what was going on with the loading time for that one table. It was not a easy find for sure. But, looking back it makes since now in a way and I have learned something I may need in the future as well. So it's all good.
  6. The FX3 table I can't locate the .xml file for is "Epic Quest". Also I have a update on the "BALLY_BlackRose" loading time issue. The issue was related to the "LAUNCH AUDIO" for that table. The launch audio "BALLY_BlackRose.ogg" file is 1:58 long and my guess is that it plays that file before it loads the table. I changed the name (so it would not play) and the "BALLY_BlackRose" table loaded in seconds, This resolved the issue. Have a look at the LOG to see the results. Would you agree I found the issue? log.txt
  7. The other 36 FX3 tables I have added load very fast but for some reason "BALLY_BlackRose" takes about 2 minutes. While I am at it, Is there a place to get the table info for a FX3 table I buy? I have the "Epic Quest" FX3 table but I can't locate the info for it to add it to PinballX.
  8. Would you agree it is odd that it works fine in PinballY but not in PinballX?
  9. I should note that a few weeks ago when I was trying to set my system up again from a hard drive update (installed a larger drive) I installed PinballY and All of my FX3 tables loaded fine when running PinballY. But I figured out my issues with PinballX and that is what I am using now. PinballY was just a test to see if the issues were with steam or just my setup. Clearly it is with something in my setup because everything loads fine in PinballY. Does this look right? (see text flile attached) I was trying to find the same info in PinballY to compare it but I have no clue where it is at. black_rose.txt
  10. That loads the table in about 5 seconds.
  11. No Luck this is what I got.
  12. OK.... Loaded Black Rose twice then Dr. Dude and Attack from Mars once each. I am looking forward to what you can find out. Thanks for your help. log.txt
  13. log.txt PinballX.ini Here you go. Thanks Oh and I was able to update PinballX to the latest version.
  14. Can you tell me the file names and where to find them and I will share them. Thanks!
  15. How do I update PinballX? I am running windows 10 Cabinet setup with 2 screens. Running PinballX 4.13 at the moment Playing Future Pinball and FX3 tables. Also a second question... I am running STEAM for the FX3 tables. What might be causing the FX3 table "BlackRose" to take 2 minutes to load? My other 35 FX3 tables load in like 8 seconds.
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