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  1. That was my first try. The main problem is that there is no portrait support/skin for kodi. I tried solving this issue using a tool named Display http://noeld.com/programs.asp#Display . With this tool I can rotate the playfield screen using command line and revert back on kodi exit. What I have to work on: Find a skin that doesn't messes up with portrait resolution and that goes directly into music section displaying a "wall view" for single songs. I've tried the old Confluence skin and it seems doing the job ok, but I have to do more tests... I also have activated the milkdrop visualization effect, but it remains in background... I have to understand how to make it be on top. For the backglass monitor I used this fantastic program: FrontView+ https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=259087 With FrontView+ you can use a second screen to display media played info / fanart / cover / weather and optionally use it as a media control (ideal for touch screens). The main problem for me is that if I launch kodi 18.1 trough PinballX, it remains stuck on the "loading..." screen and I have to reboot the PC (I have to check PinballX logs). PS: I use windows 10 (also if it killed VPX (only) performances) and a 3 monitors pincab. PS2: With Yatse app you can control Kodi directly from your smartphone (useful if you have difficulties with pincab buttons): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.leetzone.android.yatsewidgetfree
  2. Hi all. I want to add a jukebox to my pincab. Is there any pincab friendly software to use with PinballX? I've used DWJukebox in the past but it no longer works with my new installation. Thanks in advance
  3. I want to use videos fot Backbox (hd ready) and playfiled (Full HD, so no 4K). If there is no speed improvement I'll stay with 32 bits.
  4. I don't use any plugin, but if there's no advantage (I thought 64 bits build was faster than the 32) I'll stay on the 32 bits build. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the reply. I've made this question because I've read this: - The install now defaults to a 32 bit install, for both new installs and anyone upgrading from a release prior to this one. If you are not using the 32 bit version select the option on install. It caused numerous support issues previously and it just wasn't a good idea to default to 64 bit in hindsight.
  6. Hi all I'm going to switch my pincab from win7 x64 to win 10 x64. Is it better to install 32 or 64 bits version of PinballX? I have an i5 with 8GB RAM and a GTX970 Thanks
  7. I use hibernation. Few seconds wait and start directly where I was before turning off the cabinet.
  8. Have you found anything? Thanks
  9. Thanks for this guide. All works fine, but I have a problem: when I exit from jukebox, randomly the wincab.exe process doesn't quits and freezes making a costant terrible noise (a little part of the song is repeted infinitely). If I reduce the pinballx window and I click something on the desktop or open another window, then wincab.exe quits. The post launch command (that should kill wincab.exe) works correctly if I manually launch it, and I can see through logs that pinballX launches it correctly. What can be the problem? Any help is very appreciated. Thanks
  10. This is the problem causing PinballX to quit when going to hibernation: 18:47:56.9 12/06/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:47:56.9 12/06/2014: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:53:23.6 12/06/2014: Exit System Control Pressed 18:53:25.9 12/06/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:53:25.9 12/06/2014: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:53:44.4 12/06/2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:53:44.4 12/06/2014: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: Error. Exiting 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: Errore dell'applicazione. 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: in Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device..ctor(Int32 adapter, DeviceType deviceType, Control renderWindow, CreateFlags behaviorFlags, PresentParameters[] presentationParameters) 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: in Direct2D.Direct2d.Device..ctor(Form FormHandle, Int32 Width, Int32 Height, Boolean Windowed, Boolean VSync, Boolean Display16Bit, Int32 DisplayNbr, Int32 RefreshRate) 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: in PinballX.Main.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2) 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: in PinballX.Main.ad() 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: in PinballX.Main..ctor() 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: Disposing Plugins 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: Showing Taskbar 18:53:44.5 12/06/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor
  11. Files attached. I don't want to shutdown pinballx. After resume from hibernation I want it up & ready as I left it. I use this method with other frontends like mediaportal, xbmc, atomic fe, ecc... For the scheduled task: ok, I can make one task that launches pinballx after resume is triggered, but what happens if pinballx is already running? It quits randomly, not always. Thanks for the support log.txt PinballX.ini
  12. Hi all. I have a little problem: when i turn off my PC i put it in hibernation with PinballX active so when I turn it on, PinballX is already running. Sometimes (randomly it seems) it happens that after resume from hibernation PinballX is quitted and I have to plug mouse to lunch it. I'm using Windows 7 x64. Any help appreciated. Thanks
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