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  1. Aww shucks! It still needs TLC, for sure, such as odd character updates and to avoid csv (comma) issues, moving data from XML to CSV, I replaced commas with semi-colons. Not ideal, but ..... I ham happy to assist I had a few cycles of extra time since I just completed my MBA (pat on my own back ...) and was just looking for something to fill some time. Hmmmm, paint a room or geek out on emulator game database .... Hmmmm
  2. Ok. One MORE update for today and then I'm done for awhile. I also added few hundred *more* games which were listed on wiitdb's Wii game db but were not (yet) in this database. I did not include obvious custom mods but I'm sure there are many that look like real games but are not actual Wii games. All have Wii ISO game codes listed and most have descriptions, genre, publisher, developer, etc, now included as well. I cleaned up a good chunk of bogus/odd characters but some remain and can be picked up in future housekeeping efforts. Records from ID 632 and up are the new records that I added. Being new, I hope my enthusiasm isn't annoying or unwanted, but once I start something I just can't stand it until it's 'mostly done ...however, I know these things are rare ever truly 'done'. Thanks! Console Nintendo Wii (sk edit 3 AGU 12 2014).zip
  3. Hi all ... Yes, the odd characters were not edited in my first update; however, I did update the db again and this time nearly completing the database. I scrubbed it a bit but I'm sure it will require some more attention and review of the details. The game codes were ALL tested against the wiitdb's site data source and that's where most of this data came from (if you wanted to know). It took me (what felt like) a thousand years to build an XML reader that would read and export the variable amounts of tagged xml data but I did it. There are a few games that did not have matches so data for those games is limited. I'm feeling good about it but I did update MORE than I said I would, so I hope that's not an issue. See attached db update file. Console Nintendo Wii (sk Edit 2 AUG 12 2014).zip
  4. Awesome work!! Wanting to contribute ...... I've attached an updated db3 file (zipped). The updates include completing nearly all the missing game (wbfs/iso name) codes. I've also added a few more (recent) games to the list. Console Nintendo Wii.zip
  5. OMG .... that solved it. I downloaded mameui32fx .131 and .. voila .... it worked. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Now all mame game list shows just 4404 instead of 8000 games in the list but it's a start .... I appreciate the assistance.
  6. Newbie Alert ..... I apologize if this has been discussed before ... no real solutions found (yet) on the net or in the forum search ... I can not seem, for the life of me, to get mame categories to work. I've used the default catver.ini file that come with GameEx and downloaded seemingly every other suggested catever.ini and catlist.ini files that I could find and nothing has worked thus far. I've deleted the gamelist and updated my mame game list dozens of times with no luck .... each time I select mame, then all mame games, I see my list of games (8000 or so), then if select any of the <By> categories (year, category, manufacturer) .... I get "No Games Found". I've pointed to various catver.ini files in the advanced setup. Is there another setting that has to be set for this work? I'm not sure what else I can do. If it's supposed to be working, could someone provide a link to a confirmed catver.ini file -or- just email it to me?. GameEx 10.12 registered. I'm using mameui32fx as my emulator ... which is a beautful thing. My theme is Default - Default - New. Absolutely any help would be beneficial. I love GameEx but the defunct category function is driving me nuts. Oh also .... where does one add the option to show info stored about a game in history.dat file?
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