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  1. Ok thanks Scutters, i will wait when you have some spare time. I have no idea how to extract info and sort em out automatically.
  2. thanks mike for the support. i dont even know what database manager is. i dont want too many whistles and bells on my vpin ahahahaha thats why i stick with pinball x. just would like to see most played table now and then. and dont want to see them on backglass or wherever everytime vpin boots up with pinball x
  3. Hey mate, glad to see you again. I was wondering, Is there a way to see those statistics outside Pinball X. I mean, if i would like to check them now and then, could be possible. In the file there are so many numbers, and the time played Is in seconds, and they are not sorted.
  4. Somebody still here? I Need a Little help with this plugin
  5. Haven't had time to try It mate. Been busy quite a bit in the past days. I Will let you know
  6. Thanks scutters, i Will give It a try as soon as possible
  7. Yeah, that Is what i mean guys, a chart box that Is showed in every table, not Just un systems menù. Let me know if you get around It. And, of course, thanks!!
  8. maybe i explained myself wrong, or not well enough eheh i would like to get rid of systems main menù, and have all my tables of each system showing up right after pinballx starts. this is the simple part, because i know how to achieve it here is where you came into play mate.... could the charts of most played games shows up in this way? not just the x table statistic..... maybe in a separate box..... do you get what i mean?
  9. damnit scutters, sorry but i haven't received any notification, i'm just seeing your post right now.... i will try it in the weekend. i want to ask you something anyway.... do you think is there a way to show the chart of most played tables not splitted up by systems? if you get what i mean, i don't like having my tables splitted my systems just to see my charts something like this 1) 3h medieval madness (vpx) 2) 2h attack from mars (vpx) 3) 1h champion pub (fx3) and so on....
  10. well guys, i don't know how to say it....let's get this straight , i apologize for my dumbness, i'm a moron. pbx wasnt set to run as admin, whle fx3 is. that was the problem i'm sorry for my mistake and for making you lost your time thanks tom for your last advice that pointed me to the right direction
  11. ok, no good news, for me. i've tried everything. pbx 1.47 32bit, and 64 bit. then back to 1.74 both 32bit and 64 bit. almost the same result. the only difference is that with the older version as you can see it "stays" in the game a little bit more. then it suddenly get back to pbx menu now i'm stuck, but i'm 100% sure it worked before upgrading (in fact statistics says tha i've spend a lot of time in fx3) after all those tries, i played and hour straight on the same fx3 table, outside pbx ;( here some files if anyone is able to help me out thanks for your time log.txt PinballX.ini log.txt PinballX.ini
  12. Ok, then i Will try later and post results over here. But i Will notice any difference from 64 to 32 bit? There should be any disadvantage?
  13. Ohhhhh What do i miss if i install 32 bit version of last pbx build?
  14. Not sure about that mate, I don't remember honestly. Do you think it has something to do with this? I'm sure that the version i have right now Is 64 bit....
  15. 3.47 I have updated to last one a couple of days ago. I was having issues with scutters statistic plugin. Haven't changed anything else, same pinball fx3 installation
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