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  1. Yes to your question that's what I'm trying to do. and also thanks for noticing my Frankenstein of a config lol so the reason I'm at where I'm at, is because my 1st step was to do what you suggested (dmd frames in the topper section and dot matrix vids in the dmd section). On the initial boot up (and others after that) this left me with the dot matrix media hidden in the background when pinballX started up. So I thought of reversing the order (your suggestion) and that's how I got to placing dmd frames in dmd vid media and halving my dot matrix vids in the topper section. With the reversed setup whenever pinballX is booted up the topper media is now displayed on top of the dmd frames which is perfect and exactly what I want. The problem is everytime I exit a table the topper image is now hidden behind the dmd frame media. So it works fine until I play a table and exit back in pinballx then the topper media is hidden again
  2. Hey guys I'm trying to have my topper video imposed on top of my dmd videos sharing the same screen. I have a 3 screen setup with playfield, BG, and dmd screens. In the settings display section the dmd and topper are both set to share the same screen #3. I have the topper ( my dot matrix vids) set with x/y coordinates to perfectly fit in the dmd frames while in pinballX. In the media section for dmd videos I put all the dmd frames. I use the topper video section to hold all my dot matrix videos files. My issue is while in pinballx the topper gets hidden behind the dmd videos. I can bring it to the front with alt tab but once I start a table and exit back into the frontend, pinballX places the topper in the background again. The end result is a dmd frame without the desired dot matrix video. When I start a table everything works fine with freezy setup and hide dmd unchecked. My only issue is the frontend hiding the topper in the background. Is there a way to always have my topper video section imposed over the dmd videos? Thanks PinballX.ini log.txt
  3. Hey guys I'm trying to have my topper video imposed on top of my dmd videos sharing the same screen. I have a 3 screen setup with playfield, BG, and dmd screens. In the settings display section the dmd and topper are both set to share the same screen #3. I have the topper ( my dot matrix vids) set with x/y coordinates to perfectly fit in the dmd frames while in pinballX. In the media section for dmd videos I put all the dmd frames. I use the topper video section to hold all my dot matrix videos files. My issue is while in pinballx the topper gets hidden behind the dmd videos. I can bring it to the front with alt tab but once I start a table and exit back into the frontend, pinballX places the topper in the background again. The end result is a dmd frame without the desired dot matrix video. When I start a table everything works fine with freezy setup and hide dmd unchecked. My only issue is the frontend hiding the topper in the background. Is there a way to always have my topper video section imposed over the dmd videos? Thanks
  4. Thank you Mike. I see your parameters are different than mine. I had steam.exe -applaunch 44930. I removed the steam.exe from the parameter I had and now everything is direct launching. Thanks for sharing your file. I see it does take some time to load from pbx then goes into zaccaria menu briefly before booting up on it's own. Is this the normal? It would be nice to never see zaccaria menu but If not I'm happy
  5. Thanks Jimmy. Your Tables direct launch from pbx to table? Do you have parameters in pbx for zaccaria? Could you share your zaccaria pbx settings? Thanks
  6. I need some help getting Zaccaria tables to launch from pinballX directly. I followed the guides here and on steam but keep running into 1 problem. Only the last game I add in steam launch options will directly launch. Ex "Combat" is my last listed -skipmenu table. If I try and play "hot wheels" the table "combat" will load. If I only add 1 table to steam launch options every table I try will load perfectly. My only issue is adding multiple tables into steam launch options. I struggled following the guides due to my lack of knowledge but eventually figured some things out. If anyone can super layman's terms the process and have the patience to go step by step that would be a life saver. Thanks for any help.
  7. yes please all fx2 and fx3 thanks for all your work
  8. thank you for always helping
  9. hello everyone, im looking for the offline file for the past version of free camera mod by NoEX for pinball arcade. specifically offline file 1.62.7. thanks for the help
  10. hello, looking for wheel images for marvel women of power for fx2. thanks everyone
  11. Thank you for the help. I found the issue was in the directions from the original reply. It had the host as online.gameex.com I found ftp.gameex.com was the correct host name. Also my user name did not work but my email did. Thank you again
  12. I also downloaded filezilla and filled out the host: online.gameex.com user name password and port 22 I keep getting a message cannot connect to server
  13. Draco, I signed in to gameex and found my profile listing my last played games etc. I wasnt sure where to head next. I followed the directions and went the the ftpbrowse in my browser and found the wheel files. When I click on one it takes me back to the gameex site and to the subscription page? How do I access one of these files? Also is there a way to download all the files at once or will I need to do everyone individually?
  14. Thank you!
  15. Hello, I'm new to pinballx and I am looking for help changing the images on my wheel selection for pinball fx2. I started adding my own images ( I wanted a cleaner image not a huge logo) one by one until came across a set made by a member here named dracco I believe. They are transparent wheel images that look fantastic. I read where he stated they could be found, I looked in my pinballx folder under media and fx2 then to wheel images but not find the mega docklets folder. How and where can I get these images. Thanks for your time ......I am also a subscriber to gameex
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