ok, I found a cheap wiimote and decided to try glovepie for a quasi-lightgun. I have it working really well, minus the obvious problems associated with doing this. I want to be able to launch glove pie from a command line before it starts an EMU or app so I can specify which profile to use. This works from a command line: D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\glovepie.exe -D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\WiimoteScripts\MAME_IR_PPJoy_x2.PIE and I use this to close after it closes,and it works from Gameex: TASKKILL /F /IM glovepie.exe /T My problem is, whenever I try to launch mame with the launch before, it comes up to a black screen for a few minutes and then mame closes and goes back to Gameex. If I remove the launch before, and manually start GlovePIE, I am able to play a game and then GlovePIE closes when I close back to gameex. If I use the launch before option, it launches GlovePIE, stalls, closes back to gameex and GlovePIE is still open, so it looks like MAME isn't even launching! I tried to use a bat to launch it instead using: @echo off start /MIN D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\glovepie.exe -D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\WiimoteScripts\MAME_IR_PPJoy_x2.PIE but the result is the same. Is there something I need to do to my MAME command line? I'm stumped, Thank you guys in advance for the help on this one!