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  1. Thanks Tom
  2. Iam trying to update to the latest version of today - Aug 17 2014. Doing it from inside gameex pulls up the download screen briefly and then re-opens gameex. I tried a manual install by downloading the setup and running it. It starts up but the first step gives me a file download error: Error opening http://www.gameex.net/download/Steam Wrappers and Configs. The server returned status code 500. Anything I can do to fix this? -Dez
  3. I just edited the original post to make more since, I do realize hittotext and hiscore.diff are two seperate things but do not know which one is the issue. I did set a score in Tron and was able to close and reopen with it still there. So, I still assume the issue is in hitotext.
  4. I recently got back into updating to the newest MAME build. I downloaded all updated files for MAME, hiscore.diff, including the hiscore.dat from the dat-tastic and rebuilt to 143u9. Gameex no longer displays my hiscores for mame games and hitotext crashes when I try to launch a MAME game. I have tried clearing out the .hi files and tried every build I could think of (with and without different optimizations) using the newest mame compiler 64. I have tried posting in the official thread at BYOAC....crickets. Has anyone managed to have this actually working? If so, what was your process? Is this a hitotext issue or a hiscore.diff issue do you think?
  5. I have downloaded and installed the newest gameex as of 3 days ago from scratch, including the themes. I also have enabled the buttons through the wizard. Yet, none of my themes are displaying the buttons. The buttons I mean are the ones typically on the top right under the title. Any ideas?
  6. yes 99.4 fixed cliffhanger and broke the overlay on goal to go. The new 1.x version will not play goal to go.
  7. I was wondering if anyone can give me some ideas on the best way to do multiple daphne installs. I would like to add goal to go on my cab but would like to also be able to run cliffhanger..
  8. I came across 3darcade FE when researching these cool 3d cabinet models. This lead me to a badd azz 3d recreation of his Luna City arcade! its one of the staples when showing off my cabinet. I saw an interview with him as well, I did not realize this was his work. This guy seems to be a true arcade connoisseur: http://lunacityarcade.com/photos.htm
  9. Thanks headkaze! I cant wait to take her for a spin
  10. http://www.gameex.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=6g3WHk5pabg%3D&tabid=79&mid=413
  11. I had some of the black screen problems that I fixed by setting the emu to show desktop in the advanced config settings.
  12. Thanks bkenobi, using a modified ahk script seems to do the trick. Also, thanks for the info on specifying EMUs on a per rom basis. I hadn't thought that far ahead =). It's no good having the TTS voice come up and say wiimote lightgun intialized when starting the smurfs game! LOL So this leads me to another question. In mameemumap.ini, it says: # The following settings tell GameEx when to use an emulator to launch # instead of MAME. To specifcally specify MAME use 0. To specify Daphne # use 1000 is this relative to the EMU's number in my Gameex emu list? I'm assuming so.. So now I just need to figure out how to pull a list of romnames for only lightgun games and I should be set! Thanks again you guys, and Headkaze, thanks for that launcher app, I have something else in mind to use it for where i know it will work better than using &&s and having a mile long command line
  13. heh I don't think he meant "AN" out of state company! my vpinball was doing this on random tables until I set it to compatibilty mode for windowsNT. someone at vpforums helped me with that.
  14. same result, It just stalls on a black screen unless I manually close glovepie after initializing from gameex, then it will launch the mame rom. if it helps, I noticed in the taskbar, there is a command window for gameex.lnk, up until I close glovepie, then one immediately opens for mame and gameex.lnk closes.
  15. ok, I found a cheap wiimote and decided to try glovepie for a quasi-lightgun. I have it working really well, minus the obvious problems associated with doing this. I want to be able to launch glove pie from a command line before it starts an EMU or app so I can specify which profile to use. This works from a command line: D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\glovepie.exe -D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\WiimoteScripts\MAME_IR_PPJoy_x2.PIE and I use this to close after it closes,and it works from Gameex: TASKKILL /F /IM glovepie.exe /T My problem is, whenever I try to launch mame with the launch before, it comes up to a black screen for a few minutes and then mame closes and goes back to Gameex. If I remove the launch before, and manually start GlovePIE, I am able to play a game and then GlovePIE closes when I close back to gameex. If I use the launch before option, it launches GlovePIE, stalls, closes back to gameex and GlovePIE is still open, so it looks like MAME isn't even launching! I tried to use a bat to launch it instead using: @echo off start /MIN D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\glovepie.exe -D:\SYS_Apps\GlovePIE\WiimoteScripts\MAME_IR_PPJoy_x2.PIE but the result is the same. Is there something I need to do to my MAME command line? I'm stumped, Thank you guys in advance for the help on this one!
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