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  1. This will probably be this dumbest question of the year. I'm a GameEx Lifetime Member but i just can not remember when i bought the licences. Can you tell me, if i get a free upgrade or if i need a new licences for Evolution. Either way i am cool.
  2. congratulations nullPointer, you have always been a big help to people on here.
  3. I have steam startup on windows boot, so it saves having gameex logging in and logging out every time i wanna play a steam game. Just like Draco1962 said, if you wanna start steam in Offline mode, it can been enable in the steam app itself.
  4. Orlin

    Win 7 boot logo

    I use Windows 7 Boot Updater to change my boot screen, you get it from: http://www.coderforlife.com/projects/win7boot/#Download along with all the info about the program.
  5. Yeah, like the others, forget about HS, it takes so long to setup and that's if you manage to get it setup in the first place. i had countless problems with HS with setting up and all that and i got very little help from or support from the guys over there. I never did manage to get it working right and i spent about 2 month trying to. Then i found, Gameex and it was so easy and simply to get up and running, i have everything done setup and working within a week, plus from what i have seen, Gameex has evolved and expanded a lot better then HS has. Plus to support you get from this community is so much better, its unreal.
  6. Yeah i have it. Its quite good Not played much of it as of yet, but what i have, i really like it.
  7. I also have Pinball FX2, Feel free to add me on steam: GeeksTech My in-game name is: Doctor Of Chaos (just so you know when you added me to steam )
  8. GREAT job. I am just starting to rebuild my arcade system again, ready to go into a cabinet (once its finished that is), so this is a good update and good timing too .
  9. OMG i feel like a ass now. How the hell did i not spot that. FFS i setup GameEX plenty of times and i should have spotted that. Thanks buddy.
  10. What filters? i see no option for filters within the settings. I have all tables in the Pinball FX2.xml (after all i can see, select and start tables just fine within PinballX under the Pinball FX2 Tables) Better still, here is a quick 1min screencast showing you the problem and explaining what i am after: http://somup.com/cIjibwsh This should make things more clear (i hope), if not i will just give up and i have to select them within the menu when i wanna play them tables.
  11. Yeah i have a Pinball FX2 xml, other i would not see the tables at all. Just they are showing up in a different menu and not with the others tables on the main menu when you start pinballx God knows what i am doing wrong.
  12. no no, i can get it to work but i wall see all tables from visual pinball, future pinball and pinball FX2 all on once screen. That video is only showing Pinball FX2 tables on start up (which i know how to do) but i wanna see ALL tables on start up.
  13. Hi guys. Is it at all possible to get Pinball FX2 Tables to load up along side visual pinball tables on the main screen once you start up PinballX. I taken me 2 days to find out, i had to select a table and then select Pinball FX2 Tables in-order to see and select the tables. It be ace if you could see all the tables when you start PinballX and then have the option to only view Visual Pinball, Future Pinball or Pinball FX2.
  14. UPDATE: Forget about UAC Trust Shortcut, as i found out its still no good and you have to manually start it everytime you restart windows in order for it to work. I have found a new better way, which also auto starts win windows start. So this is GREAT for cabinet owners who like to boot right into the frontend: Read this here and it will explain what you need and how to set it up: http://www.ghacks.ne...bility-toolkit/ I just done what they said in that post and restarted my pc, then i opened Pinball X and i never got the UAC. I only just done the above so still needs more tests but so far so good.
  15. Yeah they work . looks like i will cherry pick my tables. I also have Future pin tables but i think for now i am going to stick with Visual Pinball and Pinball FX2 from steam (just wish i could see all Pinball FX2 tables with the rest when selected to see all tables)
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