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Kato 101

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  1. Kato 101

    Black screen

    STAYINRAM Worked!!!! /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender/STAYINRAM Thank you all, this is awesome. I can now continue getting all the tables and artwork. Made my weekend!
  2. Kato 101

    Black screen

    Installed latest version,but the 32 bit will not open at all. Reinstalled 64 bit and get same result as before. Files attached this time Thanks for the help!!!! PinballX.ini log.txt
  3. Kato 101

    Black screen

    Thank you! Here are the config and logs: [Display] Monitor=0 rotate=270 Windowed=False WindowWidth=480 WindowHeight=720 WindowX=0 WindowY=65 PlayFieldBrightness=230 WheelTextColor=ffffffff WheelTextOutlineColor=ff000000 InfoTextColor=ffffffff InfoTextOutlineColor=ff000000 FilterTextColor=ffffffff FilterTextOutlineColor=ff000000 MenuColor=ffffa500 [BackGlass] monitor=1 x=0 y=0 width=1920 height=1080 AutoPositionB2S=True UseB2S=False [DMD] Enabled=False monitor=2 x=0 y=0 width=900 height=300 AutoPositionPinMAME=False [FileSystem] EnableFileMatching=True [Interface] DesktopModeEnabled=False EnableAdditionalDetail=True ShowSystem=True ShowRatings=True [Audio] StreamVolume=90 SampleVolume=90 PlaySoundInVideos=True [Startup] playsound=False playvideo=False StartWithWindows=No [KeyCodes] quit=27 left=37 right=39 select=13 rotate=82 pageleft=33 pageright=34 exitemulator=81 ingame=80 screenshot=83 capturevideos=86 instructions=73 volumedown=109 volumeup=107 credit=53 plunger=164 launch=50 [JoyCodes] quit=3 left=11 right=0 select=9 rotate= pageleft=10 pageright=1 exitemulator=4 ingame= instructions= launch=9 Credit= Plunger=2 [Text] All=All PlayGameTwoPlayer=Two Player Game Line1=Free Play Line2=Press Start Featuring=Featuring Tables=Tables PlayGame=Play Game Instructions=Instructions Information=Information Flyer=Flyer Gameplay=Gameplay Tutorial=Tutorial Promo=Promo ExitGame=Exit Game ReturnToGame=Return to Game Return=Return Exit=Exit Shutdown=Shutdown Favorite=Favorite Favorites=Favorites FavoritesAdd=Add To Favorites FavoritesRemove=Remove From Favorites MostPlayed=Most Played LastPlayed=Last Played Lists=Lists CapturingVideos=Capturing videos. Please wait. This will take several minutes. Ratings=Ratings HighScores=High Scores RateTable=Rate Table NotRated=Not Rated [FuturePinball] Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=fploader.exe Parameters=/open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender LaunchBeforeEnabled=false LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterEnabled=True LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True MouseClickFocus=True FPRAMPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\fpRAM [VisualPinball] Enabled=True WorkingPath=c:\VISUAL PINBALL TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball992.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" LaunchBeforeEnabled=false LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True AutoConfigure=False [ExitScreen] Enabled=True EnableExit=True EnableShutdown=True [StartupProgram] Enabled=false WorkingPath= Executable=notepad.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=true WaitForExit=false [ExitProgram] Enabled=false WorkingPath= Executable=notepad.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=False WaitForExit= [AttractMode] Enabled=True Timer=1 ShowFor=15 MuteAudio=False [System_1] Name=MAME Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\ol skool TablePath=C:\ol skool\Favs Executable=MameUI32.exe Parameters=[TABLEFILE] SystemType=0 LaunchAfterEnabled=False [AutoExit] Enabled=False Minutes=10 [Login] Enabled=True [PinballFX2] Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\Users\oneoone\Desktop\Tables Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 226980 [TABLEFILE] Process=Pinball FX2.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 [PinballArcade] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 238260 Process=PinballArcade.exe WaitForSelect=50 [GameListManager] onlinemode=false [RealDMD] EnableColor=True Color=ffff1414 [PinballFX3] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 442120 "-table_[TABLEFILE]" Process=Pinball FX3.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 [Topper] monitor=2 [VideoCapture] KeysStartRecord=164|120 KeysEndRecord=164|120 Seconds=30 UseGPU=False [Internal] lastwheelcachematchsize=-1123 lastselected=Medieval Madness ULTIMATE 1.02-2Medieval Madness ULTIMATE 1.02-2FuturePinball filter_year= filter_company= filter_custom= filter_favorites=False filter_lastplayed=False filter_mostplayed=False filtername=Tables filter_rating=0 [Plugin_1] Enabled=False Name=PlugInSpeech.dll [Plugin_2] [Plugin_3] [Plugin_4] [SetupWizard] EmuPath1=C:\Emulation\Emulators AssetPath1=C:\Emulation\Assets ROMPath1=C:\Emulation\ROMs DefaultPathPrompt=True DownloadDatabasePrompt=True DownloadEmulatorPrompt=True WizardMode=Advanced SavePosition=False SearchText=voice EmulatorIndex=0 EmulatorGroupIndex=0 DaphneIndex=0 HTMLAppsIndex=0 ExternalAppsIndex=0 RadioStationsIndex=0 NewsFeedsIndex=0 MappedDrivesIndex=0 SystemIndex=0 ShowPanel=True FontSize=1 WindowSize=650, 478 WindowLocation=473, 155 WindowState=Minimized CustomArray=Startup Settings~Joystick Input Settings SearchArray= SectionIndex=12 [frmInfo] Size=386, 321 Location=490, 203 WindowState=Normal [GameManager] AutoAddTables=False ----------log----------------------------- 21:17:25.6 8/22/2019: PinballX - Version 3.28 x64 21:17:25.6 8/22/2019: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64-bit (8GB) 21:17:25.6 8/22/2019: Loading Settings 21:17:25.6 8/22/2019: Initialize Component 21:17:25.7 8/22/2019: Initialize Display 21:17:25.8 8/22/2019: Loading PlugIns 21:17:26.2 8/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 21:17:26.2 8/22/2019: Looking for startup images 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Testing Flash engine. 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Hiding Cursor 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Hiding Taskbar 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Getting GPU Information 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Displays: 2 21:17:26.4 8/22/2019: Load Game List 21:17:26.5 8/22/2019: Loading Database: Future Pinball 21:17:26.5 8/22/2019: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 21:17:26.5 8/22/2019: Loading Database: MAME 21:17:26.5 8/22/2019: Initial load gamelist took: 31ms 21:17:26.6 8/22/2019: Finding and matching artwork and videos 21:17:26.1 8/22/2019: Took: 327ms 21:17:26.1 8/22/2019: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 21:17:27.3 8/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 21:17:27.3 8/22/2019: Loading Surfaces 21:17:27.4 8/22/2019: Finished Loading Surfaces 21:17:27.4 8/22/2019: Initialize Audio 21:17:27.4 8/22/2019: Set Keyboard Controls 21:17:27.4 8/22/2019: Initialize Joystick 21:17:27.5 8/22/2019: 3 Joysticks Attached 21:17:27.5 8/22/2019: Started 21:17:34.6 8/22/2019: Launch System 21:17:34.6 8/22/2019: Waiting for threads 21:17:34.7 8/22/2019: Disposing display 21:17:35.8 8/22/2019: Writing ScreenRes.txt 21:17:35.8 8/22/2019: c:\VISUAL PINBALL\VPinball992.exe /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Jacks_Open_FS_B2S.vpt" 21:17:35.8 8/22/2019: C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 21:17:43.1 8/22/2019: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window 21:17:51.1 8/22/2019: Exit System Control Pressed 21:17:55.2 8/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 21:17:55.7 8/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 21:18:04.4 8/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 21:18:04.9 8/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 21:19:51.1 8/22/2019: Exiting 21:19:51.2 8/22/2019: Showing Taskbar 21:19:51.2 8/22/2019: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 21:19:51.2 8/22/2019: Disposing Plugins 21:19:51.2 8/22/2019: Saving Settings 21:19:51.2 8/22/2019: Bye 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Exiting 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Showing Taskbar 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Disposing Plugins 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Saving Settings 21:20:05.2 8/22/2019: Bye
  4. Kato 101

    Black screen

    I am a noob and need help. All my tables are working fine within Pinball X, but when I exit my Future Pinball tables both my backglass and playfield go black. I am only using the 2 displays. I have to ctrl alt del and kill 2 pinball x and 1 backglass apps to get out. This goes out to my desktop. All other VP9 tables exit to the PBX wheels with no issue. I am currently running Windows 7 and Future Pinball is running Bam through fploader (in compatibility mode to see load screens). I tried without Bam and with compatibility mode turned off with same results. Any ideas much appreciated! TY.
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