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  1. Hi again, Nah i omitted the show start because it was causing the start menu to actually appear as if i had clicked on it. I tried it without that line and it works fine. so i just went with it. I probably should have removed the 1st hide line too, but oh well i forgot. Ive done a few other changes since yesterday. I now have the program in the registry at startup. and i have removed the hide/show commands and gone with a shelling solution. I discovered that shelling into it didnt work correctly when i aborted the process as it would only bring up a single explorer window, rather than shelling properly and bringing up the taskbar etc. Solution to that was to have the program start using the Userinit in the registry rather than the shell. Shell is still set as explorer.exe (has to be for this to work i discovered) Then i put back launchonexit=explorer.exe into gameex for the finishing touch. Now if i press the left flipper it continues to shell into windows as normal, and if i continue into gameex and exit that, it continues to shell again. A much more efficient use i think. heres the code as i have it running now, if you have any improvements please feel free. #SingleInstance Force Counter = 5 Gui, Add, Text, x20 y20, GameEx will start in seconds. Gui, Add, Text, x113 y20 vSeconds, %Counter% Gui, Add, Text, x20 y40, Press "Left Flipper" to abort Gui, Show, autosize MouseMove 9999,9999,0 StartTime := A_TickCount Loop { GetKeyState, State, C If State = D Goto, Abort ElapsedTime := (A_TickCount - StartTime) If ElapsedTime < 1000 Continue Counter-- If Counter = 0 Break GuiControl,, Seconds, %Counter% StartTime := A_TickCount } Run, D:\GameEx\GameEx.exe Abort: ExitApp I dont have the specify to run explorer.exe in the abort phase as windows continues to shell as normal from that point on if the application quits. should probably put in exitapp instead of a goto string but oh well. it works. also have the mousemove in there as i dont like having the black dot cursor but this effectively moves it out of view.
  2. Cool, I figured it out. heres the code now #SingleInstance Force Counter = 10 WinHide, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinHide, Start WinHide, ahk_class Progman Gui, Add, Text, x20 y20, GameEx will start in seconds. Gui, Add, Text, x113 y20 vSeconds, %Counter% Gui, Add, Text, x20 y40, Press "Left Flipper" to abort Gui, Show, autosize MouseMove 9999,9999,0 StartTime := A_TickCount Loop { GetKeyState, State, C If State = D Goto, Abort ElapsedTime := (A_TickCount - StartTime) If ElapsedTime < 1000 Continue Counter-- If Counter = 0 Break GuiControl,, Seconds, %Counter% StartTime := A_TickCount } Run, D:\GameEx\GameEx.exe WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinShow, ahk_class Progman Abort: WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinShow, ahk_class Progman ExitApp Process works as follows Windows loads without taskbar. Window appears with countdown timer, If Left flipper isnt pressed, Taskbar will re-appear (in case i exit gameex) and gameex will continue to load If left flipper IS pressed, then the process is aborted and the taskbar will be re-shown ready to use windows as normal. Exactly what i wanted. I also changed the timer as it didnt like to start so quick for some reason on startup. Also got rid of the beeps (a bit annoying) I put in a bit of code to move the mouse pointer out of the way too, as i keep my mouse in the keyboard drawer it should be handy keeping it off screen. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP
  3. Hey guys, just started using CP wizard and loving it! ive only got a cpl of probs, ive ironed out all my other issues myself so far. * CPwizard detects mame pauses fine, but when i leave the menu it stays paused in mame * When i start a mame game, CPwizard only shows the CP for about .5 of a second. Is there anyway to extend that? i attach my Ini file for CPwizard. [General] VerboseLogging=False RunOnStartup=False VolumeControlEnable=True DynamicDataLoading=False GhostScriptExe=C:\Program Files\gs\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe [HideDesktop] Enable=False HideDesktopOnStartup=False HideMouseCursor=False HideDesktopUsingForms=False SetWallpaperBlack=False HideDesktopIcons=False HideTaskbar=False MoveMouseOffscreen=True [Mame] Version=0.129 Exe=D:\Emulators\Mame\mame.exe Layout=Default LayoutOverride=Mame UseMameOutputSystem=True Screenshot=True SendPauseKey=True SkipDisclaimer=False [MameFolders] Cabinets=D:\Emulators\Mame\cabinets Cfg=D:\Emulators\Mame\cfg CPanel= Ctrlr=D:\Emulators\Mame\ctrlr Flyers=D:\Emulators\Mame\flyers Hi=D:\Emulators\Mame\hi Icons=D:\Emulators\Mame\icons Ini= Manuals= Marquees= NvRam=D:\Emulators\Mame\nvram PCB= Previews= Select= Snap=D:\Emulators\Mame\snap Titles=D:\Emulators\Mame\titles [Layout] LayoutName=Default [Display] Rotate=0 Screen=\\.\DISPLAY1 DisplayChangeDelay=1500 ShowLoadingScreens=True LabelArrowShow=True LabelArrowSize=4 LabelArrowColor=-16777077 LabelSpotShow=True LabelSpotSize=8 LabelSpotColor=-16777077 AlphaFade=True AlphaFadeValue=10 ShowRetryEnable=True ShowRetryExitOnFail=False ShowRetryNumRetrys=3 ShowRetryInterval=2000 [Data] ShowCPOnly=False ShowMiniInfo=True ExitToMenu=False MameCP=True GameInfo=True GameHistory=True MameInfo=True ControlInfo=True HighScore=True MyHighScore=True MameArtwork=False MameManual=False MameIRC=True EmulatorCP=True EmulatorArtwork=True EmulatorManual=True OperationCard=True NFO=True EmulatorIRC=True [Export] ExportType=Image ResolutionType=0 DrawBackground=True SkipClones=False IncludeVerticalBezel=True VerticalOrientation=False [Input] EnableExitKey=False BackKeyExitMenu=True ShowKey=KEYCODE_P SelectKey=KEYCODE_LCONTROL BackKey=KEYCODE_LALT ExitKey= MenuUp=KEYCODE_UP MenuDown=KEYCODE_DOWN MenuLeft=KEYCODE_LEFT MenuRight=KEYCODE_RIGHT VolumeDown=KEYCODE_MINUSPAD VolumeUp=KEYCODE_PLUSPAD ShowDesktop=KEYCODE_HOME HideDesktop=KEYCODE_END [IRC] Server=irc.scifi-fans.net Port=7000 Channel=#byoac NickName=Administrator UserName=ARCADE RealName=CPWizard IsInvisible=True [LastWriteTime] Mame=1/30/2009 2:52:50 PM ControlsDat=1/5/2008 2:38:54 AM ColorsIni=11/12/2007 6:14:28 AM CatVer=1/22/2009 9:57:56 PM NPlayers=10/17/2008 1:47:36 PM HallOfFame=1/1/2009 1:45:42 AM [DataFiles] ControlsDat=D:\CPWizard\Data\controls.xml ColorsIni=D:\CPWizard\Data\colors.ini CatVer=D:\CPWizard\Data\catver.ini NPlayers=D:\CPWizard\Data\nplayers.ini ListInfo=D:\CPWizard\Data\ListInfo.xml MiniInfo=D:\CPWizard\Data\MiniInfo.xml CommandDat=D:\CPWizard\Data\Command.dat HistoryDat=D:\CPWizard\Data\History.dat MameInfoDat=D:\CPWizard\Data\MameInfo.dat HallOfFame=D:\CPWizard\Data\HallOfFame.xml StoryDat=D:\CPWizard\Data\Story.dat And the CPwizard portion of gameex.ini [CPWizard] CPWizardEnable=True CPWizardPath=D:\CPWizard\CPWizard.exe CPWizardStarted=True CPWizardStartup=True
  4. I knew i could put them anywhere, what i was reffering to was where in the script would i place the commands to hide the desktop etc? then i can just instantshell to the exe file in know.
  5. Ok ive done that now, but where do i put the option to run explorer.exe in the ahk file? alternativley, the script that tempest suggested, where does that go
  6. just played with it, and its fantastic! thanks for that. Could i in theory instantshell straight into AHK and then if a key is pressed ahk would continue loading windows as normal?
  7. Wow, thanks for that. I guess i wasnt the only person wanting it after all!
  8. thanks for the help mate, Its not that crl-alt-del and killing bothers me, like i said, thats what ive been doing for a LONG time. I was just curious to an alternative. Thank you very much to Tempest for conjuring up a very solid sounding solution for me also. apologies if it all sounds very whingy. Appreciations to all helpers
  9. i COULD but thats not the point really is it? my machine is hardly a beast. Maybe Tom would integrate it as a feature in future ;p I know its not a big deal quitting out or alt-tabbing but i was just curious if it was possible. I know of all the workarounds and ive been using them for years. Just thinking if there is a BETTER way.
  10. Ok, i would like to use my left hand flipper key to bypass gameex launching, i guess the timeframe would be 3 seconds. so when windows boots, 3 seconds, then gameex. My left flipper key is the C key gameex is in d:\gameex
  11. thanks for the suggestions guys, i might just go with the shift-key trick (pity i loose ALL startup progs). I have tried the explorer.exe on quit thing. But it only gives me a task manager, not a full desktop for some reason. Probably my shite machine. That script sounds cool, id have to delve into the depths of my subconscious to recall some scripting skills however and for something so trivial, i might just give it a miss.
  12. Not using instantsheller at the moment because i dont like the way i loose the startbar when i quit gameex. I only want about 3-5 seconds waiting to see if the key is pressed, but as default i want it to launch gameex if nothing is pressed. my path is d:\gameex (my emulators are all on a seperate hdd so i dont loose anything in a format)
  13. thanks for the reply. i dont think you get what i mean however. i want to BYPASS the starting of gameex alltogether with the press/hold of a key during boot. im already using the launchonexit command.
  14. Hi guys, ive been toying with the idea of having gameex launch automatically on my arcade (as it does now) with an option so if i am pressing a key/button while it boots up, it stops loading gameex and just goes into my normal xp desktop with startbar etc etc. I am thinking this because i also use my machine for web browsing sometimes to find some internet radio, or just general maintainance etc. Is there an easy way to do this? or am i stuck to just launching gameex and quitting every time i want to do something.
  15. Hey guys, Been a long while since ive posted. But im getting some problems with my mame list that i think is related to what .dat files i have in my mame folder. Can someone verify what .dat files i need in there so i can run an updatelist? I am running an update list successfully, but i find that afterwards it is SLOOOOW when selecting a game from the list. any help would be great.
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