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Everything posted by TheViolator

  1. Hi Guys and thank you for your amazing work - you've made my cab looking like i like it ;-) I'm still looking for the DMD Videos for Volume 6 tables - is this the issue with "Freezy"? Are there any backglass images on the ftp for the tables? Thank you in advance
  2. That would be great - thank you in advance. I will search for 1080+ images without pfx logo and hope to find also the origin creator info for that pictures. But that "search" could take a while - maybe during Xmas holiday. Should I post my Image suggestions here (to have a discussion/vote) or should I send them to you via personal message? I found some good ones (for example Iron Man, Women of Power "Champions" and Ghost Rider) created by Victor at https://pinballvirtual.es/pinballfx3-media-pack/ At the end of the page you will find a link to his "MEGA" Drive and within there you have to go to PinballX > Media > Pinball FX3 > Backglass Images > FS-3M
  3. Hi vogliadicane, I like your Backglass videos with grill, they are looking great - you've did a great job! Do you think you will finish some day all the rest of the existing PFX2 tables? In the meanwhile I had to decide, if I use your Backglass videos and some other Backglass videos for the rest of the existing tables or to change completely to other existing videos without grill, etc. If I want a complete 'harmonized' view for all PFX2 tables. My decision was another way and I don't know if someone did that in the same way. For the 'missing' tables I've used existing Backglass Images and pasted a screen shot below that image from the grill I've made from one of your video. In the end this adapted Backglass images fits perfect with the DMD Video. See the attached image from American Dad. If anyone want to have that images I could upload that on the FTP server. I've reduced the resolution a little bit so they fit perfect in my 2nd Monitor with 18,5"
  4. Hi, I'm very new in the VPinball scene and this is my first post in this forum ;-) I hope I'm right with my question within this thread... And sorry for my English - I'm from Germany :-) Is this known, that the Pinball Fx2 *.mp4 DMD Video Files, available on the FTP server, don't work within PinballX? If I change the table within PinballX and it comes to a table where only *.mp4 DMD Video exists, the video from the former table is seen but stucks. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - but all the other *.f4v Files within the same folder are working very well. Did anyone tried to convert the existing *.mp4 Files into *.f4v files? For example for the Alien and Doom files? I tried that with some online converting tools but the result didn't work also. Or do all of the PFX2 DMD videos exists in the meanwhile and were uploaded by somehow? I tried to find that by forum and Google search and browsing the FTP server but wasn't successfull to find the last few DMD videos which only exists as *.mp4 files... Thank you in advance & BR from Germany
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