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I may try to fiddle with that at some point. Thanks for looking.
Where do I find "settings.txt"? And is it called exactly "settings.txt"? Here is my ini... [Display] Monitor=2 rotate=270 Windowed=False WindowWidth=2160 WindowHeight=3840 WindowX=0 WindowY=0 PlayFieldBrightness=230 WheelTextColor=ffffffff WheelTextOutlineColor=ff000000 InfoTextColor=ffffffff InfoTextOutlineColor=ff000000 FilterTextColor=ffffffff FilterTextOutlineColor=ff000000 MenuColor=ffffa500 FullScreenWindowed=True ShowExitImageFor=3 [BackGlass] monitor=0 x= y= width=1920 height=1080 AutoPositionB2S=False [DMD] Enabled=True monitor=1 x=0 y=0 width=1024 height=600 AutoPositionPinMAME=False [FileSystem] EnableFileMatching=True [Interface] DesktopModeEnabled=False EnableAdditionalDetail=True ShowSystem=True ShowRatings=True [Audio] StreamVolume=90 SampleVolume=90 PlaySoundInVideos=True [Startup] playsound=False playvideo=False StartWithWindows=No [KeyCodes] quit=54 left=55 right=49 select=52 rotate=82 pageleft=33 pageright=34 exitemulator=81 ingame=51 screenshot=83 capturevideos=86 instructions=73 volumedown=109 volumeup=107 credit=53 plunger=50 launch=50 [JoyCodes] quit=5 left=7 right=0 select=3 rotate=11 pageleft=3 pageright=4 exitemulator=5 ingame=2 instructions=14 launch=1 Credit=4 Plunger=1 [Text] All=All PlayGameTwoPlayer=Two Player Game Line1=Free Play Line2=Press Start Featuring=Featuring Tables=Tables PlayGame=Play Game Instructions=Instructions Information=Information Flyer=Flyer Gameplay=Gameplay Tutorial=Tutorial Promo=Promo ExitGame=Exit Game ReturnToGame=Return to Game Return=Return Exit=Exit Shutdown=Shutdown Favorite=Favorite Favorites=Favorites FavoritesAdd=Add To Favorites FavoritesRemove=Remove From Favorites MostPlayed=Most Played LastPlayed=Last Played Lists=Lists CapturingVideos=Capturing videos. Please wait. This will take several minutes. Ratings=Ratings HighScores=High Scores RateTable=Rate Table NotRated=Not Rated [FuturePinball] Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAM TablePath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\Tables Executable=FPLoader.exe Parameters=/open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender/STAYINRAM LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball LaunchBeforeExecutable=FutureDMD.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball LaunchAfterExecutable=FutureDMD.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True MouseClickFocus=True FPRAMPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\fpRAM LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1 LaunchAfterParameters=GAME_FLAG_FILE= [VisualPinball] Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinballX.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\DirectOutput LaunchBeforeExecutable=DOFLinxMsg.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False LaunchAfterEnabled=True LaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\DirectOutput LaunchAfterExecutable=DOFLinxMsg.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=False AutoConfigure=False EnableFullScreenExclusiveHack=False LaunchBeforeParameters=GAME_FLAG_FILE="[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" LaunchAfterParameters=GAME_FLAG_FILE= [ExitScreen] Enabled=True EnableExit=True EnableShutdown=True [StartupProgram] Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\DirectOutput Executable=DOFLinx.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=true WaitForExit=false [ExitProgram] Enabled=false WorkingPath= Executable=notepad.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=False WaitForExit= [AttractMode] Enabled=True Timer=1 ShowFor=30 MuteAudio=True [System_1] Name=MAME Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\- EMULATORS -\- MAME - TablePath=C:\ Executable=mamep64.exe Parameters=[TABLEFILE] SystemType=0 [AutoExit] Enabled=False Minutes=10 [Login] Enabled=True StreamQuality=7 [PinballFX2] Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 226980 [TABLEFILE] Process=Pinball FX2.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 [PinballArcade] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 238260 Process=PinballArcade.exe WaitForSelect=50 [GameListManager] onlinemode=false [RealDMD] EnableColor=False Color=ffff1414 [PinballFX3] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 442120 "-table_[TABLEFILE]" Process=Pinball FX3.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 Enabled=True LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam LaunchBeforeExecutable=Pinball FX3.exe LaunchAfterWorkingPath= [Topper] monitor=4 [VideoCapture] KeysStartRecord=164|120 KeysEndRecord=164|120 Seconds=45 UseGPU=False [Internal] lastwheelcachematchsize=-1123 lastselected= filter_year= filter_company= filter_custom= filter_favorites=False filter_lastplayed=False filter_mostplayed=False filtername=Tables filter_rating=0 [Plugin_1] Enabled=True Name=DirectOutput PinballX Plugin.dll [Plugin_2] [Plugin_3] [Plugin_4] [SetupWizard] EmuPath1=C:\Emulation\Emulators AssetPath1=C:\Emulation\Assets ROMPath1=C:\Emulation\ROMs DefaultPathPrompt=True DownloadDatabasePrompt=True DownloadEmulatorPrompt=True WizardMode=Advanced SavePosition=False SearchText= EmulatorIndex=0 EmulatorGroupIndex=0 DaphneIndex=0 HTMLAppsIndex=0 ExternalAppsIndex=0 RadioStationsIndex=0 NewsFeedsIndex=0 MappedDrivesIndex=0 SystemIndex=4 ShowPanel=True FontSize=1 WindowSize=1188, 797 WindowLocation=926, 479 WindowState=Normal CustomArray= SearchArray= SectionIndex=14 [frmInfo] Size=386, 322 Location=2630, 1017 WindowState=Normal [System_2] Name=VP9 WorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball995.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" SystemType=1 WaitForProcess=VPinball995 LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeParameters=GAME_FLAG_FILE="[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\DirectOutput LaunchBeforeExecutable=DOFLinxMsg.exe LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchAfterEnabled=True LaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\DirectOutput LaunchAfterExecutable=DOFLinxMsg.exe LaunchAfterParameters=GAME_FLAG_FILE= LaunchAfterWaitForExit=False LaunchAfterHideWindow=False [GameManager] AutoAddTables=False [System_5] Name=Zaccaria WorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Zaccaria TablePath= Executable=LaunchZaccaria.exe Parameters=[TABLEFILE] WaitForProcess=ZaccariaPinball.exe LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable= LaunchBeforeParameters= LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable= LaunchAfterParameters= Enabled=True SystemType=0 [Apron] monitor=8 Here is my log for a successful recording in VP using the "V" key. 11:33:56.9 7/22/2019: PinballX - Version 3.47 11:33:56.9 7/22/2019: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (16GB) 11:33:56.9 7/22/2019: Loading Settings 11:33:56.1 7/22/2019: Launching Startup Program: DOFLinx.exe 11:33:56.1 7/22/2019: C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinx.exe 11:33:56.1 7/22/2019: Initialize Component 11:33:56.1 7/22/2019: Initialize Display 11:33:57.0 7/22/2019: Testing Flash engine. 11:33:58.2 7/22/2019: Loading PlugIns 11:33:58.2 7/22/2019: Loaded Plugin:"DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Version 1 By Swisslizard 11:33:58.5 7/22/2019: PlugIn: "DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Initialized OK 11:33:58.5 7/22/2019: Using Plugin System Version: 1 11:33:58.6 7/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:33:58.7 7/22/2019: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:33:58.7 7/22/2019: Looking for startup images 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Hiding Cursor 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Hiding Taskbar 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Getting GPU and CPU Information 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: 6 cores, 6 threads 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Displays: 3 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Load Game List 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Pinball FX3 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Future Pinball 11:33:58.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 11:33:58.9 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Zaccaria 11:33:58.9 7/22/2019: Initial load gamelist took: 62ms 11:33:58.9 7/22/2019: Finding and matching artwork and videos 11:33:59.5 7/22/2019: Took: 656ms 11:33:59.6 7/22/2019: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 11:33:59.7 7/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 11:33:59.7 7/22/2019: Loading Surfaces 11:33:59.8 7/22/2019: Finished Loading Surfaces 11:33:59.8 7/22/2019: Initialize Audio 11:33:59.8 7/22/2019: Set Keyboard Controls 11:33:59.8 7/22/2019: Initialize Joystick 11:33:59.8 7/22/2019: 2 Joysticks Attached 11:33:59.9 7/22/2019: Started 11:34:16.5 7/22/2019: Launch System 11:34:16.5 7/22/2019: Hide DMD 11:34:16.5 7/22/2019: Hide Backglass 11:34:16.5 7/22/2019: Waiting for threads 11:34:16.5 7/22/2019: Disposing display 11:34:18.8 7/22/2019: C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinxMsg.exe GAME_FLAG_FILE="C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables\Austin Powers (Stern 2001) 1.01.vpx" 11:34:18.8 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe /play -"C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables\Austin Powers (Stern 2001) 1.01.vpx" 11:34:18.8 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\PinballX\vpauto.exe 11:34:30.1 7/22/2019: Found PinMAME ROM: austin.nv 11:35:10.7 7/22/2019: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window 11:35:27.4 7/22/2019: Recording videos 11:35:28.0 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 15 -offset_x 0 -offset_y 0 -video_size 3840x2160 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp4756.mp4" 11:36:13.6 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -i "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp4756.mp4" -vf "vflip,hflip" -c:v libx264 -an -crf 20 -preset slower -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4 "C:\Pinball\PinballX\MEDIA\Visual Pinball\Table Videos\Austin Powers (Stern 2001) 1.01.mp4" 11:37:21.9 7/22/2019: Capture Playfield video success 11:37:21.9 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 3840 -offset_y 1083 -video_size 1920x1080 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp3fb.mp4" 11:38:07.0 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -i "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp3fb.mp4" -c:v libx264 -an -crf 20 -preset slower -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4 "C:\Pinball\PinballX\MEDIA\Visual Pinball\Backglass Videos\Austin Powers (Stern 2001) 1.01.mp4" 11:38:32.8 7/22/2019: Capture Backglass video success 11:38:32.8 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 4288 -offset_y 2186 -video_size 1024x600 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp1945.mp4" 11:38:32.9 7/22/2019: Error capturing DMD video 11:38:32.9 7/22/2019: Exit System Control Pressed 11:38:34.8 7/22/2019: Rescanning for new artwork 11:38:34.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Pinball FX3 11:38:34.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Future Pinball 11:38:34.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 11:38:34.8 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Zaccaria 11:38:34.9 7/22/2019: Initial load gamelist took: 63ms 11:38:34.9 7/22/2019: Finding and matching artwork and videos 11:38:35.6 7/22/2019: Took: 688ms 11:38:35.6 7/22/2019: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 11:38:35.6 7/22/2019: C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinxMsg.exe GAME_FLAG_FILE= 11:38:39.7 7/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:38:39.7 7/22/2019: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:38:39.9 7/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 11:48:46.7 7/22/2019: Exiting 11:48:46.7 7/22/2019: Showing Taskbar 11:48:46.7 7/22/2019: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 11:48:46.8 7/22/2019: Disposing Plugins 11:48:46.8 7/22/2019: Saving Settings 11:48:46.8 7/22/2019: Waiting for Online Thread 11:48:49.8 7/22/2019: Bye Here is the log from an unsuccessful recording of FP using the "V" key. 11:03:06.8 7/22/2019: PinballX - Version 3.47 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (16GB) 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Loading Settings 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Launching Startup Program: DOFLinx.exe 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinx.exe 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Initialize Component 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Initialize Display 11:03:06.9 7/22/2019: Testing Flash engine. 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Loading PlugIns 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Loaded Plugin:"DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Version 1 By Swisslizard 11:03:08.7 7/22/2019: PlugIn: "DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Initialized OK 11:03:08.7 7/22/2019: Using Plugin System Version: 1 11:03:08.8 7/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:03:08.9 7/22/2019: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:03:08.9 7/22/2019: Looking for startup images 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Hiding Cursor 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Hiding Taskbar 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Getting GPU and CPU Information 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: 6 cores, 6 threads 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Displays: 3 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Load Game List 11:03:08.1 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Pinball FX3 11:03:09.0 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Future Pinball 11:03:09.0 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 11:03:09.0 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Zaccaria 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Initial load gamelist took: 63ms 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Finding and matching artwork and videos 11:03:09.7 7/22/2019: Took: 656ms 11:03:09.7 7/22/2019: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 11:03:09.9 7/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 11:03:09.9 7/22/2019: Loading Surfaces 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Finished Loading Surfaces 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Initialize Audio 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Set Keyboard Controls 11:03:09.1 7/22/2019: Initialize Joystick 11:03:10.0 7/22/2019: 2 Joysticks Attached 11:03:10.0 7/22/2019: Started 11:03:13.6 7/22/2019: Launch System 11:03:13.6 7/22/2019: Hide DMD 11:03:13.6 7/22/2019: Hide Backglass 11:03:13.6 7/22/2019: Waiting for threads 11:03:13.6 7/22/2019: Disposing display 11:03:16.0 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\FutureDMD.exe table="3ANGELS.fpt" close=1 11:03:16.0 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAM\FPLoader.exe /open "C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\Tables\3ANGELS.fpt" /play /exit /arcaderender/STAYINRAM 11:15:59.6 7/22/2019: Exit System Control Pressed 11:16:02.1 7/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:16:02.2 7/22/2019: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:16:02.4 7/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Exiting 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Showing Taskbar 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Disposing Plugins 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Saving Settings 11:16:06.7 7/22/2019: Bye Here is the log from a recording of FP using the Game Manager "Create Video" button that resulted in recording 45 seconds of a still image. 11:52:34.9 7/22/2019: PinballX - Version 3.47 11:52:34.1 7/22/2019: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (16GB) 11:52:34.1 7/22/2019: Loading Settings 11:52:34.1 7/22/2019: Launching Startup Program: DOFLinx.exe 11:52:35.0 7/22/2019: C:\DirectOutput\DOFLinx.exe 11:52:35.0 7/22/2019: Initialize Component 11:52:35.0 7/22/2019: Initialize Display 11:52:35.1 7/22/2019: Testing Flash engine. 11:52:36.2 7/22/2019: Loading PlugIns 11:52:36.2 7/22/2019: Loaded Plugin:"DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Version 1 By Swisslizard 11:52:36.6 7/22/2019: PlugIn: "DirectOutput PinballX Plugin" Initialized OK 11:52:36.6 7/22/2019: Using Plugin System Version: 1 11:52:36.7 7/22/2019: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:52:36.7 7/22/2019: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:52:36.7 7/22/2019: Looking for startup images 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: Hiding Cursor 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: Hiding Taskbar 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: Getting GPU and CPU Information 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: 6 cores, 6 threads 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: Displays: 3 11:52:36.8 7/22/2019: Load Game List 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Pinball FX3 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Future Pinball 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Loading Database: Zaccaria 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Initial load gamelist took: 62ms 11:52:36.9 7/22/2019: Finding and matching artwork and videos 11:52:37.6 7/22/2019: Took: 656ms 11:52:37.6 7/22/2019: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 11:52:37.7 7/22/2019: Main display running full screen windowed. 11:52:37.8 7/22/2019: Loading Surfaces 11:52:37.8 7/22/2019: Finished Loading Surfaces 11:52:37.8 7/22/2019: Initialize Audio 11:52:37.8 7/22/2019: Set Keyboard Controls 11:52:37.8 7/22/2019: Initialize Joystick 11:52:37.9 7/22/2019: 2 Joysticks Attached 11:52:37.9 7/22/2019: Started 11:52:37.1 7/22/2019: Launch System 11:52:38.0 7/22/2019: Hide DMD 11:52:38.0 7/22/2019: Hide Backglass 11:52:38.0 7/22/2019: Waiting for threads 11:52:38.0 7/22/2019: Disposing display 11:52:40.3 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\FutureDMD.exe table="3ANGELS.fpt" close=1 11:52:40.4 7/22/2019: C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAM\FPLoader.exe /open "C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\Tables\3ANGELS.fpt" /play /exit /arcaderender/STAYINRAM 11:53:13.6 7/22/2019: Recording videos 11:53:14.1 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 15 -offset_x 0 -offset_y 0 -video_size 3840x2160 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp8bc4.mp4" 11:53:59.5 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -i "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmp8bc4.mp4" -vf "vflip,hflip" -c:v libx264 -an -crf 20 -preset slower -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4 "C:\Pinball\PinballX\MEDIA\Future Pinball\Table Videos\3ANGELS.mp4" 11:54:43.8 7/22/2019: Capture Playfield video success 11:54:43.8 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 3840 -offset_y 1083 -video_size 1920x1080 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmpea0d.mp4" 11:55:28.1 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -i "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmpea0d.mp4" -c:v libx264 -an -crf 20 -preset slower -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4 "C:\Pinball\PinballX\MEDIA\Future Pinball\Backglass Videos\3ANGELS.mp4" 11:55:48.7 7/22/2019: Capture Backglass video success 11:55:48.7 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 4287 -offset_y 2163 -video_size 1024x600 -t 00:00:45 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmpe75a.mp4" 11:56:33.8 7/22/2019: FFMPEG.exe -i "c:\users\virtual pinball\appdata\local\temp\tmpe75a.mp4" -c:v libx264 -an -crf 20 -preset slower -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4 "C:\Pinball\PinballX\MEDIA\Future Pinball\DMD Videos\3ANGELS.mp4" 11:56:36.2 7/22/2019: Capture DMD video success 11:56:36.2 7/22/2019: Exit System Control Pressed 11:56:38.8 7/22/2019: Exiting 11:56:38.8 7/22/2019: Showing Taskbar 11:56:38.8 7/22/2019: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 11:56:38.9 7/22/2019: Disposing Plugins 11:56:38.9 7/22/2019: Saving Settings 11:56:38.9 7/22/2019: Waiting for Online Thread 11:56:44.3 7/22/2019: Bye Thanks fore the help.
Ok, so after more testing I've determined that the recorder is working...sort of. First off it won't work if there is already a video in place for that table, it doesn't automatically overwrite. Didn't know that. Secondly, in FP it records a video of a static frame for 45 seconds. Nothing moves, no motion, no lights blinking. Thirdly, in Zaccaria it only records the loading table screen, no matter how long I wait to press "V" after the table is loaded and I'm playing it. Thirdly and a half, the Zaccaria loading screen is animated with blinking lights, but just like the FP recordings it only records a still frame of video. I didn't have time to test VP and FX3 yet. I'll test when I get a chance and update as well as post log and ini.
Checked the settings. In the keyboard settings, video capture is indeed set to "V". However nothing happens when I press it in game. I checked the log and there's nothing related to recording being requested or starting.
I'll check settings. I do have ffmpeg and am able to create videos using game manager "Create Video" button.
I tried recording a table using the "V" key but nothing happened. Is there a setting I need to adjust first to enable this?
Ok, I'll give it a try, thanks.
I'm getting part of the launch process in my video's for FX3 and Zaccaria, they take a little longer than VPX and FP. Is there a way to adjust the time the recording waits to start?
Thanks Mike but I'd use this feature with FX3 and Zaccaria.
Thanks guys, I've upgraded to 3.47 and my recordings are now working properly. One question though...Is there a way to adjust the amount of time the recorder waits to start recording? My Zaccaria tables aren't fully loaded when the recording starts.
Great. thank.
So when I upgrade I won't have to go through the setting app and set everything up again or I will? Will Game Manager still have all my tables added and artwork enabled?
How do I go about upgrading? Is there anything I need to know or do beforehand? Will all me settings and databases be saved?
Mike I uploaded the ini already. And guys please enjoy the holiday and weekend. I will be out of town until Sunday and won't be able to troubleshoot with you any further until then. Thanks
Found it in there. Thanks. Here it is. PinballX.ini