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About iano

  • Birthday 02/28/1973

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  1. Welcome back Hansolo ! I too thought you'd just lost interest. Hope things sort themselves out.
  2. Sorry Frequency. I think maybe you misunderstoood. I have a mame 'lite' set - I don't have any chds (due to the amount of space they take up). I was hoping the clrmamepro miss list contained only games that were chds etc. so i could verify that i didn't screw anything else (normal roms) up while updating my rom set from 0.139 to 0.140.
  3. Hi Frequency. It says i'm missing 61 sets ??
  4. Thanks guys for the help. I was trying update mame from 0.139 to 0.140. Both 0.139 and the 0.140 update roms didn't contain any chds but i have a 'miss list' from clrmamepro and i was wondering if the miss list was chds. See attached. MAME0.140_miss.txt
  5. Is there a way of finding a complete list (rom names) of CHD games for MAME 0.140 ?
  6. Glad you got it working. It was the video snap path that fixed it.
  7. As far i'm aware GameEx does not come with any codecs. The recommended codec pack (for xp) is vistacodec pack. You can download it from the link below. Make sure no other codec pack is already installed before you install the vistacodec pack. http://www.shark007.net/vistacodecpackage.html
  8. Thanks Tom ! Merry Xmas !
  9. It's showing GameEX 11.44 as the latest version to download (on GameEX.com) instead of 11.46 for some reason.
  10. They are moving servers.
  11. Thanks Tom. I hope this gets sorted. I'd like to use v4 themes. Everyone knows GX has it functionality wise (and looks pretty good) but you know where the battle lies now (eye candy) and i'd just like it looking as good as possible.
  12. Hi Tom. I can't test this at the moment (arcade monitor behaving badly). I just want to ask though. I remember that the horizontal menu when running at 640x480 was not centered - parts of the menu were getting cut off at either side of the screen. It's been a good while ago so i can't remember exactly but i do remember complaining User Emphatic put in a feature request for it - i think he was working on a theme (not sure if it got released). http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=5062&st=0 Thanks, ian.
  13. I'm tricking around with it at the moment and i have to agree with Nightlife. I can't seem to get the artwork (mame wheel) to match my roms correctly. They have a good tutorial on how to use romlister (which i followed) but still i can't the mame wheel to match the roms i have. In fairness the Hyperspin community have produce some good tutorials to make setting up HS easier. I'll play around with it in my spare time - don't want to get bogged down by it.
  14. iano

    OT - Retro Stencils

    Nice work Celly !
  15. Hi Brian. Very sorry to hear this. Hope things turn around for you in the future. Cheers, ian.
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