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  1. I bought my Cab from Dream Authentics and gameex comes installed on it as a feature of the cab but before I put it in storage gameex had an update to where Tom S (forgive me it's been a long time since I have been here). had to send me another reg key. So I am guessing it comes with a lifetime? Thank you for responding and the advice on the fans
  2. I have had my cab in storage for over 2 years and I am about to move it out and into a new place where I will be able to use it, My question is since my cab has been stored from late 2009 will I have to rebuy my full version of gameex if I update to the new version? (unable to give version @ this time as there is no power outlet in storage unit) Also anyone have a suggestion for adding fans into my machine because it heats up & the display only shows the color purple and wells gardner couldn't help me out even though my cab was 6 months old. They stated I was the second owner of the machine and I bought it brand new from dream authentics I even got in touch with Renee from DA back then and even they got shafted. Well anyway I found out if I removed the back access panel the monitor would not overheat and all the colors would display correctly even over 3 or 4 hours of play time. So I am hoping someone could help me out on how to add fans into the system that aren't noisy and can plug into the strip that is inside of my machine???
  3. ok i installed gameex but now i have more problems wtf! after setting up my emulators and updating mame i go to play games i know worked only 2 days ago and now when i press button "play game" a prompt box comes up "please wait" and it just flickers and i cant do anything????? none of my mame videos work either???? the path is correct and the vids are in the folder and they play in wmp?????
  4. ok i will dl gameex again and start all over again
  5. gameex came with my machine i dont have a registry key i bought a dreamauthentics machine and like i said it came with gameex preinstalled
  6. every emulator i have isnt working again after updating gameex and now i cant even set a button to go back on my control panel???? i tried to use the "wizard" to set up my emulator but none of them give the correct command line my emulators are zsnes visualboy nestopia kega fusion epsxe pj64 this is like the 20th time im am getting fed up and i am about to sell my machine is there a better front end than this because everytime it updates there is some kind of problem???? also gameex wont even load up my avi videos?????? it doesnt even find my mame roms after updating
  7. how do i get this hide mouse feature to work?
  8. i used to work for a gm dealer so i asked my former parts guy/friend for some tumblers i got some that work now with gm keys!!! although i am a chrysler guy at heart and when driving my dodge
  9. when i load up mame it shows all my neo geo roms and i can play them but when trying through gameex they arent listed??? but there is a listing for neo-geo games so i go in there and no games are found???? no 2020 baseball? or any of them but like i said if i just use mame they are there and i can play them
  10. i also have a dream authentics cab http://www.youtube.com/darthbluntedone you can see it in some of these vids check my oldest one first i didnt go all out for my cab i wanted it basic sorta oldschool arcade feel to it i didnt get any artwork for it except the marquee i was offered free cp artwork and side art but i didnt want it and after 4 months the computer broke and they didnt cover it (dream authentics) so i had to get another comp which took me another 3 months to save for then another 2 months setting it up i am almost done with everything that i want in it but damn it took a long time for your machine to get there mine was at my door in 2 weeks (i didnt get mine modded like yours) it took 1 month to get the marquee and they even has sent a new reg for my gameex when i got the new comp going i put in 3 fans at the top of the maching in the ports and basically i have my machine on most of the day i love it
  11. hello everyone i have had my mame machine for a year now and honestly i am not even done setting up everything i am about 70% done but now i want to add some more things to my machine but here is the link to my youtube if anyone wants to see my machine http://www.youtube.com/darthbluntedone
  12. i bought one from them and it has been working great but i had to replace the pc already only lasted 8 months but i got a better pc for it now and i am much happier (i hope you got the light gun for it) i also got a excalibur machine but i didnt get any artwork for it it's all black with blue buttons i like darth vader so i got it blacked out and with a blue lighted trackball i took over a month to get my machine and i didnt have that much done to it but i will tell you to lube all your key tumblers as mine broke and i had to remove them
  13. i have this light gun and it works good http://www.act-labs.com/
  14. i have the same thing too
  15. i cant get epsxe to work what is the proper exe??? because i dont think this is right [Emulator_9] Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=[Console] Sony PlayStation (ePSXe) TITLETEXT=Sony PlayStation StartPageLogo=[Console] Sony PlayStation ROMFilter= RomPath=F:\psx\iso RomsInFolders=True SnapPath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Snaps\ TitlePath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Titles\ BoxPath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Boxes\ CartPath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Cartridges\ ManualPath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Manuals\ ControlPanelPath=c:\emulators\Sony PlayStation\Controls\ InstructionsPath= WorkingPath=F:\psx\epsxe160 MapKeys=True WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=True Debug=False MAPFile=[Console] Sony Playstation.map AlsoLaunch= Command=ePSXe.exe -nogui[-virtualdrive-] LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter= configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) ExcludedFiles= CustomBackground= PlayMusic=False DontShowInfo= PlaySelectionMusic=False SelectionMusicFolder= PCGame=False DATABASE=[Console] Sony Playstation UseDbName= GamesIn7Zips=False MergeSets= PlayInScreenSaver=True ShowMostPlayed=True RandomMostPlayed=True CDCheck=False CDCheckFile= CustomArtName1= CustomArtPath1= CustomArtName2= CustomArtPath2= CustomArtName3= CustomArtPath3= [GENERAL] DumbyValue=
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