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  1. Thanks Mike. I did figure out (just after I made the original post here) how to do it with .ini filters in the Database/Visual Pinball folder. I hadn't dove into trying out PInballXDatabase Manager yet because I had a ton of table and system updates I needed to do in order to run a system backup - but since now I have that all done ... I will give Database Manager a try.
  2. Greetings all. I can't seem to find the answer to this question anywhere on here, so I apologize if this has been answered. A feature I liked with PBX was when you brought up the Lists menu, it would list: Favorites, Recently Added, Most Played, Years (60s, 70s, 80), Companies (Gottlieb, Stern, Williams), etc. When I updated to the newest version of PBX, those lists Years, Companies and some others, are not longer there. It is just Favorites, Recently Added and a couple others. I read somewhere in another thread that this feature is now customizable or something like that using ini files in the Database folder so you can build your own lists and criteria, but I can't seem to figure out how to use this feature. Can some explain how to re-instate the companies, years, and the others (can't remember them off the top of my head) lists features? Thanks.
  3. Hi Guys, I've been having a strange issue lately with PinballX that has me stumped. I am using a real Pin3DMD / PinDMD3 with PinballX 98% of the time everything works perfectly with PinballX and VPX ... But ... I've been making a lot of mp4 and avi videos files to run on my DMD while browsing tables, etc - mostly withe the company name and year the table was originally produced. I have Hide DMD checked for all tables that VPX uses the DMD during gameplay - and for older EM tables, I leave the DMD video running on the screen so I don't have a blank space during gameplay. When I first boot up PinballX and browse tables - no problem - they all look and play great ... and when I load a VPX table through PInballX it hides the DMD video as it should on tables that need it hidden and leaves it on when it should as well - ie: EM tables. No problem ... all the way around. The problem comes when I quit the table in VPX to return to the PInballX browser ... 98% of the time the video for the DMD comes back when browsing tables - but more and more - when I quit VPX the DMD goes blank (as it should) but then when I get back to PinballX - the screen STAYS blank with nothing on it - even when I scroll around to browse tables. When I try to start a VPX table that would use the DMD (or even a table that DOESN'T use the DMD) - while the screen is blank - the DMD continues to stay blank - even when the VPX table is supposed to use the DMD ... it is as if PinballX 'kills' communication with the DMD and nothing shows up after quitting a VPX table sometimes. Very odd. Th only way to get the DMD back is to quit PInballX and power down the DMD and then power up the DMD again and restart PinballX ... then it comes back. This is a random issue - not specific table or video triggers this issues. This ONLY happens when using PInballX ... and NEVER when I load VPX directly. Other that updating PInballX within the past few months and freezy's 1.8+ update NOTHING else has changed on my system with VPX 10.6 and this has happened before with VPX 10.5 and previous 1.7+ dmd. Perhaps I am playing more pinball during this pandemic - because I am noticing it happening more often than before. Sometimes this happens 1 times per 10 tables played - sometimes 1 time out of 5 tables, and sometimes 1 time out of 20? This issue has me stumped. I tried looking all over the place for threads / posts of someone having this same issue before I posted here and I am usually able to solve problems like this without asking by researching / searching for someone with a similar issue. I don't know if this is a bug - or something needs updating. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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