Thanks for looking, let me run through what happens I turn on the machine from cold and eventually: 1 minute passes 01:50:19.6 05/09/2012: Starting Attract Mode 01:50:19.6 05/09/2012: Reading MAME hall of fame 01:50:20.4 05/09/2012: Shutting down display 01:50:20.6 05/09/2012: Setting Up RawInput Hook 01:50:20.7 05/09/2012: Launching RawInputHook.exe 01:50:22.7 05/09/2012: Running: cmd.exe /c K: K:\Emulation\MAME\mame64.exe jumping -rompath K:\Emulation\MAME\roms -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo MAME is either immediately minimised, or I see a few seconds of a MAME game before all I can see is the Windows taskbar. I press alt-tab 01:50:45.1 05/09/2012: Key/Joy press detected: Exiting Attract mode, closing MAME I can't quickly install GameEx and some MAME roms onto another machine, it'll take a bit of time to do...