I'm new to this finally trying to set up my vpin its 2 screens. I followed several YouTube videos on how set it all up. My problem is the first time I set it up it worked fine kinda. I set up visual and fx2 and got them running fine on there own, screen 1 and 2 side by side in landscape mode. I would start PBX and it would with the the right orientation for the table and wheel but it would exit a table in FX2 it would dump me into the main FX2 program in the menu and visual pinball would exit to VPinball995.exe I figured I would address that later. I must have hit a key or changed something and the front end changed and the orientation changed the tables where right but the wheel was 90 degrees off. I looked and looked found that i could rotate the screen while in the front end so I tried doing that but that just changed the whole screen orientation it didn't change the wheel being 90 degrees off. I was watching another video on how to setup PBX he shared files to a dropbox so i grabbed them and started fresh install, I used his setup it works with FX2 and pinball arcade it all works great with 1 screen in portrait and 1 in landscape 1 on top of other but now i cant get visual pinball to work with out the play field squished I'm sure it's the wrong orientation. I would be very grateful for help what is the best way to set it up so it all works.