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  1. Hey guys, I made a custom high definition startup video for pinball x. Feel free to use it on your cabs. download is in the description on the YouTube video and the winrar pass is : dazzlaa regards.
  2. No problem! Make sure to make the file "read only" if steam keeps changing the entries!
  3. Ahh yes I have actually been putting fx3... Its like it doesn't connect to fx3. My command window seems to only want to work within the current working directory. I have to change directory to the Vpinmame folder just to make "dmdext test" work. Sorry, I know this is unrelated to Pinball X! Thanks for the help.
  4. Hey guys, Could anyone offer advice on getting dmdext working with pinball fx 3? I have followed freezys directions of github upto the part where, in command window I put dmdext mirror --source=pinballfx2 --no-virtual. at this point I am shown several DMD errors within command window so I am pretty sure its not correct in what I am doing. Regards
  5. Sorry... cancel that request. I hadn't googled hard enough. To suppress the steam message you need to edit this line: "SkipOfflineModeWarning" "1" to Steam\config\loginusers.vdf My tables are launching directly now also. Thanks
  6. Hey guys, I am trying to get pinball fx3 working well with pinballX but im running into a few issues so I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have my database set up and the games show up on my game wheel fine, but when I launch a table I get 2 problems. The first issue is Steam pops up and asks me if I want to go online. I have set my steam to offline mode as my steam account is primarily in use on my gaming PC so I'd like my pinball cab to remain offline. Is there a way to suppress this message as it prevents progress without keyboard and mouse interaction. The second issue is that once I am into the game, It launches into the Fx3 menu, just like if I have launched the table manually. Thanks for looking. Regards Daz
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