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About Lawrence

  • Birthday 10/19/1975

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    Classic Arcade Games (Of course!), Language, Japanese, Computers, Religion, Buddhism

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Ultimate GameEx Guru!

Ultimate GameEx Guru! (4/5)



  1. Thanks Tempest! I didn't forget you. My health took a bit of a turn for the worse and I shut myself off from a lot of communication for a while. 3400 posts!? You've been busy here.
  2. The GameBase one was much easier to fix -- and entirely my fault. Grasping at straws I turned on DEP while trying to fix GameEx. Completely illogical, I realize, but at that point I was trying anything. On a completely unrelated note. Could I trouble you for a few extra icons for your beautiful set? I'm a big fan of the Japanese NEC PC-98 and Sharp 68000 machines. There's a small handful of others. I can supply source images. I'd be delighted to donate for it.
  3. Not an afterthought... Didn't mean to come across that way. Was just excited and typed quickly and was going post a thanks at the end after getting everything finally working as it was yesterday. My apologies if I came across rude, or you took offense. Phew! Glad that's overwith. The bizarre thing is that while GameEx was broken, GameBase was still working. Now that GameEx is working, GameBase is giving the same error. They all work within GameEx though, so not in a huge hurry to fix that. Will probably just try reinstalling GameBase. Your suggestion above worked. Thanks. Back to putting every system known to man into GameEx.
  4. And thanks so much for all the help. I really appreciate it.
  5. Woo hooooo! I got it working!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem was DirectX 9.0c apparrently. Earlier today I did try reinstalling DirectX 9 -- and as it tends to do -- it politely told me that DirectX 9 is already installed and closed itself. By accident, I was able to reinstall it just now. I tried downloading the Windows SDK to get access to Fuslogvw.exe which can be used to find dependencies. I was going to try to use that to find something that was perhaps missing that GameEx was looking for. In an act of sheer stubbornness I tried reinstalling DirectX 9 again -- knowing it wouldn't work. The installer asked if I wanted to install the Direct9 SDK component I said yes, tried GameEx, and BINGO! So, I now have a working but naked and empty GameEX. What's the best procedure to get my old stuff back? Uninstall GameEx, move the backup back to C:\GameEX (where it previously lived) and reinstall GameEx over that?
  6. Setup wizard and the other exes in the GameEx directory work fine. I'll happily pay for a remote assistance session Draco so you can look through the event log.
  7. Please find attached the requested log. Thanks for your help. It is appreciated. log.zip
  8. Some minor progress. I went into the new GameEx folder, and there was a log in there.... Now what is interesting is that it is an exact duplicate of the previous log with the old events -- nothing from since it stopped working. What is interesting about this is that it has resurfaced. The GameEx.ini is the default in the new install. If the log restored itself, it stands to reason that it is possible something else could be lingering from the old install.
  9. Silly me. Helps to actually click the attach this file button. It's attached now. I'd happily pay you for your time to do a remote assistance session. I'm rather heartbroken about it all going belly up today. I just completely uninstalled .Net and GameEx, cleaned the registry of any residue from either, reinstalled .net then GameEx, and tried running GameEx completely unconfigured, and same thing. The "GameEx has stopped working" message is instanteous - the very second I double click the icon. GameEx.zip
  10. Thanks for your reply Draco1962 (love your Icons btw -- they're the ones I use) Please find attached my GameEx.ini. I don't think there's a problem in there, as GameEx won't load even after blasting away its directory and reinstalling. From working fine to kaplooey, I played with some Taito Type X games (outside of GameEx). They weren't exitting well so I tried uninstalling all my StarDock programs and turned off Aero. (Was about time for those to go anyways). Here's what Event Viewer says when GameEx.exe is launched: 0 CLR20r3 Not available 0 gameex.exe 50dcec8e GameEx 50dcec8e de 719 System.TypeInitialization C:\Users\cyberdemon\AppData\Local\Temp\WER4D84.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml C:\Users\cyberdemon\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_gameex.exe_ce8a6b9139ea5232abf5319f6bfdd9237ca9c_09665428 0 f05f95f5-538a-11e2-bc07-647002114f42 1
  11. I decided recently to redo my GameEx setup from scratch on my HTPC. Spent pretty much the entirety of my Christmas Holidays working on that and getting it pretty sweet. Suddenly today though, GameEx has stopped running at all. Immediately upon running the standard windows error screen pops up saying "GameEx has stopped working". I made zero changes to GameEx between the time it was working and when it stopped. No point in posting my log -- the latest entry is from this morning when it was still working -- ie, it's not even getting far enough to write to the log. I have uninstalled GameEx and reinstalled it -- same. Reinstalled .net -- same. Even tried a system restore. I'm out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Here's my cab. I tried to achieve a balance between traditional and modern with it. The case is made from metal covered in special textured eurythene coating which is nearly indestructible (have taken keys and a hammer to the cab, as well as kicking it with my Doc Martins). There is no bottom floor to it at all -- combined with the metal casing, means the computer inside runs just as cool as if it were sitting on a desk, even without any noisy cab fans. The DVD drive is accessible right below the coin buttons, so no need to open the cab open just to pop in a DVD. And some pretty monster speakers. Quite pleased with how the artwork turned out as well -- a monkey vs. spaceman theme. I've hired the same artist to make a custom GameEx theme for it later. I've put up a website for it -- http://www.magnumarcade.com -- still under construction, but getting there.
  13. Those are some wicked sick looking cabs you make.

  14. Here's my No$Zoomer setup and advanced cfg I posted a while ago. It should work to get No$Zoomer running. http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...80&start=80
  15. Even if you prefer to download ready to go stuff, it's nice for programs like this to exist -- so other people can make snap sets for you to download.
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