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Everything posted by Quadrasputnik

  1. I don't really have any other Controllers. I do have an Xbox 360 Controller, but I always use it for my other PC. I'm a little desperate for finding another game, program or anything that uses a Controller as huge as mine, especially with a total of 11 buttons on it. I thought that it would be very, very fun to play Visual Pinball with such large buttons. Plus, I figured that my Niece would really enjoy a controller like this, so I'd hate it if such a huge controller covering most of the space in front of the Keyboard is just lying there with no way of really using it.
  2. I have absolutely no idea what to do now. Pinup Popper doesn't work on my old Windows 7 PC (technically it works, but the lag makes it unplayable) and I have blown multiple months of my life on Adding & Sorting all of the Tables and filling out their Descriptions one by one for both Pinup Popper AND Pinball X, only to find out after all that work that my Controller doesn't work properly with Pinball X... and it has been like this for a whole year. I definitely feel broken now.
  3. I... I don't have a way of sending the money your way... I believe I told you this before.
  4. I believe Gamo 2 sells them, but the English is very, very poor on that site. Here is the link: https://www.gamo2.com/en/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=249
  5. I also sadly don't have the means to buy another one of these Controllers. I can't even find this Controller on DJ Dao's website, either. Someone bought it for me about 5 years ago before the site was completely revamped. I hate to say it, but I feel like the only way to get one of these is 2nd hand.
  6. This is the Controller I'm talking about: I sadly can't really send the actual, physical Controller to your house for repairs. Chances are high it's just too far away.
  7. No, the problem is still there, and for many, many months, too.
  8. I can try another Controller, but the Xbox 360 Controllers works perfectly, just not the Pop'n Music Controller. I've went to the Gamepad Control Panel and tested out the button presses and that works perfectly. I press a button, the appropriate number flashes, I hold it down, the number stays lit. Despite that, the Controller still has its issue in Pinball X.
  9. I guess it's the latter, Mr. Speirs. Like I may've said before, one normal press could be seen as 3 rapid presses in a row or an instant hold of the button. What do you suggest I do to fix this?
  10. I still need help. I tried X360ce and it constantly gives me errors along the lines of ''Misconfigured Controllers, Check GUIDs'', and that's for the outdated 64-bit 2018 Version. The newest version refuses to start up at all. Also, joy2key seems to only be usable for a limited time trial.
  11. Then it looks like I have to spend even more months sorting, filtering and adding all of the Tables again. At this point, I have spent one whole year and haven't even gotten a Frontend properly playable yet.
  12. I've made the post, but like another question answered while I wait. I have hundreds of Tables with edited Titles, Years, Types and the like, and I don't want to have to fill it all in for the lists of each VP Version. Is there a way I can Carry Over the Playlists I made from an older version to a newer one? It would save me tons of time.
  13. I want Pinball X to support DJ DAO's Pop'n Music Controllers. Currently, the Frontend treats every button press as if it was on permanent turbo as long as the button is pressed.
  14. Both Page and Left & Right for scrolling through the Tables have the same problem, being treated as if they were being rapidly pressed. Launch & Start also have the same problem I've attached the files you wanted. log.txt PinballX.ini
  15. Paging? Direct Launch? How exactly do I change these Settings? I can't find them under Joystick controls.
  16. I'm trying to use a Pop'n Music Controller to navigate through Pinball X, but there is a huge problem that makes it close to impossible for me to use the Frontend. Normally, when you hold down a key, the program treats it as a single button press for a second, then it does as if it's being held down or repeatedly pressed. This is something that doesn't happen with my Controller. If I just quickly and gently press a Button to scroll through the Table List, the whole list just suddenly moves about 3 or 4 Tables. Not only that, but when I press the Start button, instead of a menu showing up, the Table just starts instantly with no way for me to change the way the Tables are sorted. It's as if once I press the Start button, the frontend thinks that I'm rapidly mashing on the poor thing. Can anyone help me with fixing this control issue?
  17. Then it looks like I have to manually make groups and lists and fill each one out individually after all... this is going to take yet another month. I tried putting the Year in the Description with one Quote symbol on each side, and it's still displayed on the Table Name. Also, Pinball X is starting to act a weird when I tried to test it. The Frontend sees all of the button presses as being constantly held down when I just press it like normal, meaning I can't make precise selections in the menus. Also, when I tried to start Harlem Globetrotters on Tour, the Table doesn't show up, only the Numeric Display, and when I quit, Pinball X seemingly started itself up twice. I accidentally loaded 2001 while Harlem Globetrotters on Tour was still active.
  18. I actually don't want the Year and Month to be in the Table Description. Having the numbers show up in the Frontend, I mean. I can definitely try a few things, though, but I'll tell when it doesn't work. Wait, Additional Detail? But doesn't the Year box not allow spaces or numbers like 03?
  19. I'm sadly not really using Wheel Images, although if there is a pack containing hundreds of them, I'll gladly download that. Do I need to input anything specific in the Table Description? Something like '200001' in one quote before the name ('198303 Q*Bert Quest, '198110' Black Hole, etc.) or something else to have the Tables sorted by Year & Month?
  20. How would I hide that box with the Year & Month, exactly? As in, not making the first part of the Table Description appear before the Name of the Table. I've already filled in the Year box for almost all of my Tables. Do I just keep it like that?
  21. I'd like some help with Custom Lists, too. I mainly just want to sort all of my Tables by Year of Release, and maybe Month, too, but I don't know where to start, or what the difference is between Groups & Lists in the Games Manager. I only seem to be able to add whole Lists, not specific Tables of those Lists. Can you help me out, scutters? I feel a little stumped over here. I use a Desktop, by the way. No cabinets involved.
  22. I don't really like the default Sounds that play when navigating menus, and I'd like to change them, at least if it's possible. Can anyone help me out with this? I basically want sound effects from the first 6 Megatouch games to play in the Pinball X Menus. Any files I should replace, or are there multiple ways to go around this? I'm not sure what else to add since I think it may be very simple and easy to do simple audio replacement.
  23. About that, I'd like to know if I can assign the turning of my steering wheel to scrolling through emulators and menus. Is that possible? If so, how? If I'm correct, that uses the X Axis, too.
  24. How about an option to update emulators to newer versions? I appear to have MAME version .145 despite the fact I got GameEx Evolution last month, and Version .212 is already out for a while. Oh, and on a smaller note, Retro Achievements support.
  25. Support files? Where are they usually located? Oh, and I've looked into that thread you mentioned. Do I really need to change the input type with another program? I don't feel completely confident in doing that, mainly because I worry that it may still not work. Either that, or it will make me find another problem in emulation, like the steering wheel possibly only going either completely still, all the way to the left or all the way to the right.
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