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About mightypeniz

  • Birthday 03/06/1975

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mightypeniz's Achievements

Ultimate GameEx Guru!

Ultimate GameEx Guru! (4/5)



  1. Nice comment there! LOL! Happy birthday mightypeniz!

  2. mightypeniz


    cheers for the best wishes lads My avatar is indeed from Blood Sport. Here's the scene in question: I've got a thing for ridiculously corny movies (indeed, my username is from Ford Fairlane - its the name of shockjock DJ Johnny Crunch's boat).
  3. mightypeniz


    Not that I've been active (lurking, always) lately anyway, but I'll be quiet for a while yet... I've got a baby (our first) due in 5 days Had to give up one of my cabs to my brother to make way for the nursery, so I'm on tonight ironing out a few glitches with various emulator configs tonight, ready for the cab to be taken away on Tuesday.
  4. Gladstone, QLD (Australia)
  5. Of course its a fake man.. geez.. look at that hair... obviously a wig. and those sunglasses... yeesh!
  6. damn.. BBCode doesn't work in this comment thing..


  8. sweet jesus, that thing is brutal! has METAL GEAR written all over it, btw..
  9. +1 for this combination..
  10. BrutalDeluxe is on the money.. not that I've tried it before myself, but you should just be able to grab a standard pushbutton (and switch etc), and wire it up that way. Trace the 2 thin cables from your Power button back to your motherboard. Find where they connect to on your motherboard. Find a suitable jumper you can use, and wire up to a standard pushbutton. Should be easy.* The opinions expressed in this post are not supported by GameEx, or even by its original author.
  11. still kills it mate.. sorry haven't been more helpful, will do a bit more testing when I get home tonight.
  12. heh, confirmed.. craps out for me too (ubuntu 8.04.1) before the page renders.. suprisingly, I have NoScript enabled, and it still craps out.
  13. shutdown.exe is indeed what you're after, dude. just add a -f in there, that switch forces all running apps/prompts to close. to shut down your cabinet PC from remote: shutdown.exe -s -m \\arcadepc -t 5 -f -c "shut down you bastard" or locally: shutdown.exe -s -t 5 -f -c "shut down you bastard"
  14. To be fair mate, my involvement was post-derailment. Like a train going over a cliff - the derailment itself is just when the train leaves its tracks. I just introduced the cliff into proceedings Apologies regardless, HK
  15. Brian, if you're going to derail a thread, do it properly This, is pikachu. His special powers include a child swallowing.. oh wait. wrong forum.
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