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  1. Hey everyone, I know this has probably been asked already and I’m sure there’s a simple fix to this but I’ve been out of the PBX loop for a few years and just updated to the new version. I need to move my instruction cards to my playfield monitor. I take it that the default Is set for backglass? Where would I change this? Thanks in advance, watacaractr.
  2. Hey everyone. Well I took some advice on this forum and got my start up videos to finally work but now I have another issue. Whenever I start PBX, all 3 videos start to play, but at any given time, they stop short and attract mode kicks in. They play anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds and that’s it. These are 30 second videos. Is there a time limit on how long videos can play? Or is PBX thinking that there’s a cancel button being pushed to stop the videos from finishing? If anyone has had this problem I would really appreciate some help. Thank you in advance, watacaractr.
  3. Thanks Tom. Yeah, I haven't updated the codecs. The video has always been mp4. Where is the setting to enable start up videos? Also, one other thing, if you could help.. I use the generic PinballX DMD video for all of my non-DMD games. I have a smaller 14" 16:9 lcd "DMD" screen that i use for this. I had it adjusted before the update to just fit the top half of the screen, but now it's stretched to fit the whole screen. Did I miss something here? Thanks again. watacaractr
  4. Hello everyone. I apologize, I posted this in the wrong area just now. I just updated to the latest PinballX version and have a question about the start up video. Ever since I started using earlier versions of PinballX years ago, I have NEVER been able to get the start up video to work. Even with the new update, nothing, black screen straight to PBX attract mode. I've had a really cool start up video that I created years ago and I would love to finally get it to work. I also have a BG and DMD video that tie into this. Can anyone help or at least make a suggestion on what I could do to fix this? Is my playfield video just too large? Is there a special setting somewhere? I've put other videos in the start up video folder and nothing from those either. I really hope someone can help. Thank you in advance. watacaractr
  5. Thank you. Okay... Could I run a program like windows media player or ? In PBX's settings to start and play the video before PBX actually starts and then close the program after the video plays and then PBX menu mode starts? Almost like running Future DMD before a Future Pinball table starts. Obviously the working folder and exe are there but what about the parameter? Would anyone know what kind of parameter to add? Thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you everyone for all the responses for the questions I've had in this forum. I have one last question about PBX and I'll hopefully have my cab finally finished. When I turn my PC on, I cannot get the startup video to run the first time that I run PBX, it goes straight to menu mode. BUT, when I close PBX and then run it again, the startup video works!! It always works the second time and NEVER the first. How do I get the startup video to run the first time, every time in PBX? Thank you in advance.
  7. Thanks for the response. I'll try what you suggested. I want to play pinball as soon as possible too, but a nice intro video, hopefully on all three screens one day, would just add that much more meaning to the whole concept of virtual pinball in PBX, in my cab anyway. There are some of us out here that want our cabs to be as "Windows"less as possible and really justify a custom look allover. I actually look forward to the intro when I hit that power button, and believe it or not, I've had more comments on my custom intro than the actual tables themselves. Go figure. Cheers.
  8. Thank you for all the suggestions. After turning off "Rapid Mode" on my SSD, I have had no DMD stretching. Check your SSD settings!
  9. Hey everyone. I just have a couple of simple questions to ask and hopefully someone can help. First, is there any way to run PBX start up videos on ALL 3 monitors (BG, DMD and PF), not just the PF, of my 3 monitor cab? And second, Is there a way to display an image or looping video on the DMD monitor while PLAYING, not in MENU MODE, but actually PLAYING, non-DMD tables? My DMD is blank when playing these table types. Thank you in advance.
  10. Hey guys, thank you for the responses. Sorry for getting back so late. I finally solved the freezing issue. I am running Windows 7 by the way. It seems the problem was actually in the hard drive itself. I have a Samsung 850 SSD and it was turned to "Rapid Mode". Come to find, rapid mode tends to use more of my system memory which was causing the freezing. All I did was disable "Rapid Mode" and I haven't had freezing since. Thank you all.
  11. Hello everyone. I apologize if this is posted in the wrong area but it's worth repeating as I can't find anything recent about the subject. And what I have found, there seemed like no definitive solution. Freezing, videos freezing while in attract mode. After first running PBX, all videos run perfectly, then after shuffling through a few tables, the PF freezes but the BG plays. Then, if I'm lucky enough for the PF to unfreeze, then BG freezes. The DMD screen freezes on and off as well while playing the default video "no DMD", obviously for those type of tables. Then there is the wheel table logos themselves not being recognized and reverting back to normal text. None of my videos have any audio and are all under 5mb each. After starting a game and returning back to PBX, it happens even quicker. PC has an i5-4790, nvidia 960 gpu and I'm running a 3 monitor setup with all monitors on gpu. I have downloaded all the updated codecs and newest version of pinballx. Installed and reinstalled VPX, FP, PBX, and have set all files to administrator and now I am completely stumped. Why does PBX only work part of the time? It's so perfect when I first run it and then the freezing just ruins it. I do have a start up video that was running perfectly until I ran pinballx today. Nothing. Goes straight to attract mode. So while certain parts work, others do not, and it's never the same. PBX actually crashes as well. Can someone point me in the right direction for finally solving this. I saw a post on here years ago and it seemed like there was never a solution then either. Please help if you can. Thank you in advance.
  12. Thank you very much. I'll try your suggestions.
  13. Hello all. I'm having an issue when running VPX in pinballx. The DMD is perfect when running VPX but it stretches to the size of the DMD monitor (3rd screen 1366 x 768) when playing the game in pinballx. I've tried changing the x and y position in pinballx, which seems to "work", but then it directly effects my DMD video in menu mode, giving it a smashed look. Am I doing something wrong here? Just about to set up my cab and then this! Ugggh! Thank you in advance if anyone could help.
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