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  1. spuds

    amp board?

    the board is powered and I am sure it works the speaker are connected to the board and if I "touch" the RCA end I here static. and I know for a fact that the two RCA plugs will feed the board - I was only wondering on the hookup and I am thinking that the pic you posted of that cable is what I will need- however I will do as you guys bid and do some further leg work before I plug into it. Thanks GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. spuds

    amp board?

    Dungeons and dragons - shadow over mystera
  3. spuds

    amp board?

    ok guys here are a couple pics the first is the board the second is of the two jacks that were pluged into the board that my jamma harness was pluged into
  4. spuds

    amp board?

    Yeah, I will get you guys some pics as soon as I can get the camera back - I will definitely NOT hook up anything unless I run it by you guys - hehehe - I know my limitations - hope to get the ccamera in a hour or so
  5. spuds

    amp board?

    I knew you were gonna say that - - I will borrow the cam again and get a pic taken.
  6. spuds

    amp board?

    I am still working away on this machine and so I removed the video board which was encased rather nicely - I am sure you guys have seen this before - I unplugged the jamma and another connector- but it also had two RCA jacks plugged in (white and red) these I assumed were audio - they went to another smaller board and coming out of this board were the wire's going to the two speaker on the top of the cab. So I am assuming this is some kind of amp board. If you guys agree that this is what it is, can i use it? and if so how do I connect it?
  7. It won't let me change it - it is set on 800x600 also all the words are very blurry and the toolbar at the bottom is all squished up. OK - got this problem solved - I found an adjustment on the monitor that let me fix this problem (no idea what it is called but works) and YEAH YEAH YEAH - I played my first game on it - LOL- I am so happy - you guys are the bestestes heheh so I am going to bed now - too tired to play - I did try to load project 64 - there seems to be few problems - one is that it starts rolling again and I have to adjust this - any ideas on this one? oh well - G'nite all
  8. Dude - you are the Man ! - I found a spot on the cir board that said vert hold it had a small plug on it - I followed the wires they went to the front of cab - I opened up the control and hidden on the right way way up in the cormer is a sweet little panel with 6 adjustment screws !! - one of which controlled the vert. !! So I adjusted it and it looks ok - but the icons are shimmering a bit - is that normal??? next question should I put the 31 Khz jumper back on and see if it still works ok? Oh BTW - did I say you were the MAN !!
  9. The sync light on the JPAC is on - so this means it is the correct signal - yes????? I cannot locate ANY adjustment screws except right at the neck, however I will go down now and look again.
  10. Hi Guys Well I finaly got a video card that soft 15 would recognize AND would run for longer then 15 mins !!! So.. I installed soft 15 and I know it changed because after I rebooted it made my LCD TV look like crap. I next installed Jpac and took the pc down to the arcade machine and connected it up on boot up I saw a split screen and the screen rolled - I read the troubleshooting guide from Ultimate and it suggested that I remove the 31Khz jumper to test if I was still putting out VGA - I did this and on boot up the screen was all scrambly - but when it finally finished it was back to the rolling and (it looks like) a split screen - hard to tell because it is rollling really fast. Any Ideas??? Thanks in advance !
  11. I dunno I bought this machine specifically for this arcade cab - was told it would do great... its P4, 2.8 ghz, 160HD, 1 gig ram.. Can't really afford another PC ( wife would KILL me - no really, she would !!!) so I will step down to a 128MB card and see if I can get it to work (sigh) I will place an order from newegg today and let you guys know the results. Once again thanks for taking the time to help me here - I know I am a PITA and I really appreciate you guys helping me.
  12. good ole southern comfort !! LOL puts every thing on a level field so, what u think guys - should I... a.) order a card from Dell and see if that will work? b.) order the VGA card from ultimart? c.) have another drink and think about it tomorrow?
  13. never got to setup soft15 the screen went blank called tech support for the card they said return it I got another card - but its doing the same thing "This device cannot start (code 10)" So......... should I just order the ultimart VGA card? will it work with my system? frustration is setting in ........ Now I need a drink ... a big one...
  14. ARGGGGGG Card went down :( :( called tech support - they said go trade for another card :( So I am off to BB - problably will get a different one this time wish me luck !
  15. cool- is it ok to run 15hz to my LCD? - I dont have a regular PC monitor
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