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Everything posted by ksbman

  1. OK, I have it narrowed down and I believe fixed. I decided to regenerate the mame.ini file from the command line and it appears to have resolved the issue. I'm not sure what in the old ini file was setting it off, but if I get time to play with that, I will let you know. Thanks for everyone's assistance.
  2. Another finding. While playing through GameEx, I can hit the F10 button a couple time, the game freezes (Playing or demo) and the marquee will show up on the second monitor for about 10 seconds and the screen will go black again and the game begins to move again.
  3. OK, I just found an issue where it was configured for the main monitor. So I now get the marquee before and after playing a game, but when I play a game it goes black. So getting closer........
  4. The 2nd monitor is unchecked. If I enabled it I can do the ALT-TAB to get the marquee to show, but disabled it per your earlier instructions. When disabled, I can't get the marquee to show up with the ALT-TAB. The default.jpg is just a standard mame marquee, it has several colors and I have attached it here. Thanks
  5. Sorry guys, I've been away for a few days. a) How many monitors have you got? I have two total monitors a2) Essentially, are you using both "1st Display" and "2nd Display" on Marquee Masher - i.e. having MM generate images on two displays, not just one? I just need MM on the secondary monitor. b ) What gets displayed on each monitor? When I start GameEx is on the main screen, the second monitor is blank. When I start the game, the second monitor stays blank the entire time until I exit GameEx. c) Have you got "Setup Wizard>Display Settings>Hide Operating System" enabled? I'm wondering what the black display is going over the top of MM. I have "Hide Operating System Enabled." When I disable it and test, the desktop shows until the game starts, then it goes blank. When I exit the game, the desktop re-appears on the second screen.
  6. @stigzler When the secondary additional monitor is enabled, I see the marquee during the Gameex load screen and choosing the game, once I start the game, the marquee monitor goes black and I can ALT-TAB to get it back. When I disable the secondary additional monitor, I only get a black screen on the marquee monitor and can't do an ALT-TAB to get it to show up anymore. The desktop always has either Gameex or the game running in MAME. Thanks
  7. @Stigler Thanks for your assistance. I am using MAME. Attached are the files you requested. MMLog.log settings.ini Systems.xml
  8. I'm having an issue with Marquee Masher showing the marquee on my second monitor. It shows the marquee on the second screen during the browse function, but when I start the game, it disappears off the second monitor. If I do an ALT-TAB after the game starts, it will stay up there. Is there a setting I am missing to get the marquee to stay on the second screen? Thanks
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