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  1. I can live with the black screen, 100x better than seeing the vpinball editor. Thank you again for the help!
  2. I am not using GL and it is after the loading media before the game shows onscreen... the loading screen plays and then on some tables I will see a black screen now (where I would see vpinball gui before) for 1-10 secs. But again it is not every time.
  3. I have tried that change and out of 10 tests I saw just a black screen for 5 secs. Much happier with that than seeing the UI. Thank you!
  4. thank you, I will try that. I am seeing the editor but will try your changes shortly. Thanks for the feedback. Love your plugin by the way!
  5. I am having issues where on some tables, large and small, where when launching from pinballx the loading video will show before the table shows up. Sometimes its very brief, sometimes 10-15 secs before the table loads. I have vpinball running in exclusive mode and I have exclsuive mode hack enabled in pinballx, I assumed this would fix the problem but it does not. I also have the extra wait to show desktop at 30 but it also does not help. Is there anyways to get the loading videos to stay longer? I have tried using loading images and currently am using "Loading Image Changer" Version 2.3.1 By scutters" which I love, would just like to hide the vpinball gui a little longer. Any input would be appreciated, attached are my logs. Thanks! log.txt PinballX.ini
  6. Has anyone seen backglass or table videos for the latest pinball fx2 tables? Portal Star Wars - Rebels Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron If so please share the location! :-) Thanks!
  7. ahh ok thanks! I'll try later Thanks again
  8. Now I am not able to connect at all... [08:37:31] [R] Connecting to ftp.pinballx.net -> DNS=online.gameex.com IP= PORT=21 [08:37:52] [R] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
  9. I want to map the right and left flipper to the side flipper buttons on the x-arcade which are buttons 3 & 4. When I do this it constantly inserts coins while im playing visual pinball games. Those are the correct insert coin buttons for the xarcade for within MAME, I just thought I could change that when I was in a different emulator. I re-mapped the flipper buttons to the down motion of joystick 1 & 2 and that works well, not as comfortable as the side flipper buttons though. Thanks
  10. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on this, I have done some searching and couldnt really find anyone with the same issue. I have Visual Pinball 8.1 and the latest pinmame running in Game EX, the games load fine and are playable except I can't get the insert coin to not be mapped to the left flipper, I believe it's button 3. I am using the X-Arcade joystick and have changed the mapping within Visual Pinball to another button but it doesn't pick up the changes, it seems o use the default mame config. I hope this makes sense and appreciate anyones assistance. Thanks
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