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  1. Mike: I have not looked at any of my VPX tables yet to see if their DMD's are still in place. I have to separate the rules for each Pinball engine in my head. If I have more problems I'll be sure to contact you. Thanks again!
  2. So very glad you talked me out of Quitting = Very Happy Pinhead here! For those peoples who have been following this adventure - Mike DA Spike - and his co-horts have solved my problems, all my tables that have a virtual DMD (with this fix) in Future Pinball will be able to add the DMD to their 3rd screen. Thank-you so very much. I'll now try to write a .bat file for VPX and other tables to work with PINBALL X. OBTW DMDext only works on tables that already have a DMD.
  3. Checking it out now. I've reinstalled Future Pinball AIO. I've gone to Pin Up folder and repositioned my DMD . I'LL GET BACK. obtw: Me wanting this is probably weird but i love The large DMD displays where I can see them when I'm playing.
  4. Going to quit on this project. Thanks for your help guys. If I come up with something I'll post it here. Going to try u packs.
  5. Sorry - I was trying all kinds of settings and didn't notice. I turned it on! Checking again.
  6. Here are those files log.txt PinballX.ini
  7. Thank-you I just upgraded.
  8. Draco:I will upgrade, just need to know how to do this without disturbing my settings?
  9. Thanks for the alt - tab, don't know if mine is working properly - when I finally get it to stay on after continually holding down those keys. there are 6 screens - one shows a black image that if I was running a single table outside PBX would have to be moved to my 3rd screen. So I believe the .bat and your previous help the thing is running but not getting placed on the 3rd screen.log.txt
  10. OK I'll try these things. Will report back. I thought I had up graded to latest, that may solve some other things in PBX.
  11. If this it it says: locating service Fail creating connection Fail pinDMD3 enabled: False
  12. pinDMD_log.txt Is this it?
  13. Where do i find the DMD Device log I don't seem to have one?
  14. When I run the Start FP - Backbox - DMDext.bat without removing FP Loader.exe from the bat DMD.exe starts and runs it gives me a small black rectangle that i have to drag and position on my 3rd screen. It also starts FP leaving me to select a table. I pick and run a table and all is well. When I remove FPLoader.exe from that batch and then run PBX all set up as suggested the table runs but no 3rd screen displayed I'm wondering if I don't have DmdDevice.ini set properly. DmdDevice should place that black rectangle properly on my 3rd screen, when run from PBX. I know the .bat file did something in PBX because when i shut down a table the backbox at that time has no DMD. Going to the .bat file I only remed FPLoader.exe shoud I have removed more lines?
  15. PinballX.inilog.txtScutters - I'm checking into the dot settings. Thanks
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