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Everything posted by magicm

  1. It appears that I'm only having problems viewing manuals for the Atari 2600 that are for the games that Atari actually made (ie. Adventure). The only thing I can think of is its having a problem with all the black on the front cover. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm running the latest directx and drivers. I've also tried changing to 16-bit color. I've attached the one of the manuals. Could someone please take a moment and let me know if they are able to open it? Thanks! 3_D_Tic_Tac_Toe__1978___Atari_____.pdf Adventure__1978___Atari_.pdf
  2. I'm using the default theme, so I don't think that's the problem.
  3. I've tried numerous manuals. I have no problem opening them in Adobe, so it's not a problem with teh manual files.
  4. GameEx crashes when I try to view manuals. I'm running the latest version of GameEx (the one just released) on a laptop with XP and Directx 9.0c. From looking at the log, it looks like there's some kind of issue with DirectDraw. However, I've tested DirectDraw using dxdiag and it there isn't a problem. GameEx was installed and configured with the default settings. I've also tried turning off advanced graphics, and installing it on a newer desktop running Vista. Both cases, gave me the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. log.txt
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