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  1. Deleting the cache files ended up solving the problem.
  2. Prior to the enumoives functionality being put in, I put the video snaps in the folder I specified in gx setup, however, with enumovies, it looks like they are downloaded to a downloaded artwork folder in Gameex/media. Does that mean my Gameex isn't using the new videos downloaded by enumovies because it's a different folder than what I have specified in my gx setup?
  3. Yes, I tried rebuilting the game list as well. Which folder actually stores the video snaps? The one pointed to in the settings for MAME or the downloaded artwork folder?
  4. Had a weird thing happen over the weekend. While I was scrolling throught the list of my MAME games, the videos for them stopped displaying. Videos are working for all my other emulators. Rebooting the machine didn't fix the problem. I'm using the latest version of Gameex. Has anyone seen this before? I don't want to re-install because I don't want to lose my settings. Thanks for any help!
  5. Does anyone know of a way to either remove or hide the various different versions of Visual and Future Pinball tables? I'm looking to have only the latest version of each table. I've searched this forum and looked for dat files on the internet and came up empty handed. Thanks.
  6. magicm

    Emu Extras

    The new version seemed to have fixed the problem. Thanks!
  7. magicm

    Emu Extras

    Yes Stu, my rom names all contain parenthesis or parenthesis and brackets.
  8. magicm

    Emu Extras

    Sweet tool!!! However, my results are coming back as 'Missing' under database, yet I'm getting the game description, etc in GameEx.
  9. That worked. Thanks.
  10. Where's a good place to go to see details on the new games that were added with the latest MAME release? I tried the MAME website and mameworld and couldn't find anything. Thanks.
  11. I've got this same problem with a couple of my game lists as well.
  12. In order to get mine working, I had to first uninstall Ghostscript v8.54 and then run the OfflineGameManualInstall.exe and select the correct key for your machine (32bit or 64bit). To uninstall Ghostscript, I deleted the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript, then deleted the Program Files/gs folder.
  13. For whatever reason, re-importing the emulator settings corrected the problem.
  14. it also supports .a26 and .bin, so there should be no reason to zip them. I know stella does not support 7z, however, when gameex launches stella it's passing .7z as the extension for the rom. Yes, the roms are working correctly outside of gameex.
  15. The rom filter field is empty and I have the 7z/GoodMerge option set to 'No'. The config settings are the defaults that get loaded in when you import the config for the 2600. I'll post my config file later today when I'm back in front of my machine. The roms are uncompressed as either a .a26 or a .bin. If I compress them to be 7z and try to launch Stella I get a black screen and a fast paced beeping sound. Should I try deleting my cache files?
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