First of thanks for this excellent application. It makes for a great front-end for my Slingbox.
Second, I read through the code and there is one setting that would be very helpful, that's Sling's buffer length or as Sling calls it their PrechargeTime value. In the Slingplayer desktop app you can adjust the prechargetime in the SBcore.ini file. In Slingfront, such option does not exist. I appended Slingfront's code to include the PrechargeTime value to be placed in the encoding section of the ini file Slingfront reads, but it didn't work (the buffer still sits at a fixed 5 second length).
Does anyone know if the ActiveX Slingplayer app even allows for adjusting the buffer length / prechargetime? Again, I can program into the original code, but just need to know if it's even possible to adjust the value.