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Everything posted by MulletLife

  1. Bad and then good news (Only updating if this helps with bugs). Everything was fine with my WIN10 build. I tried to install FX3 and it needed to update my 2010 and 2015 redistributables (x86 and x64). This is what I think broke things as the ROM sounds once again stopped working. This is the bad news. Good news. I ran the Topper MP4s through TerryReds FFMPEG script (30fps no audio) and we're back and action. I'm going through and converting all my toppers now to mitigate this issue. To my knowledge, the toppers never had sound to begin with but maybe it was a muted/low audio channel?? I have back ups of the MP4s if anyone wants/needs to test it to fix the bug. Thanks for the help everyone.
  2. Thanks very much for the reply, I wish I would have seen it before tinkering. Shark codecs KILLED my system. I ended up swapping hard drives so the issue is temporarily resolved. I'm now going to have to figure out how to undo what Shark did (its portable, didn't install anything, but the issues remain on deleting). Mainly, videos in PBX take noticably longer to load, and some backglasses even get stuck. What a mess. For Tom: Perhaps there is an update that happened in WIN11 that conflicts with some audio codec. I know 100% that it worked fine, likely did an win update of some sort, then certain topper videos cause the center channel rom sounds to stop working on anything other than 2.1 (in windows audio setup). PBX bug??? Maybe?? I think the root cause is elsewhere, but causes a conflict in PBX. This may pop as more people get on WIN11. Who knows. Hopefully there's enough info here to determine if there is something in PBX that is glitching and how to resolve it. Thanks everyone for their help. We'll call this resolved (for now). I'm sure FFMPEG conversions will likely do the trick be it an audio or maybe an alternate video codec used on some toppers.
  3. So I've tracked it down but don't have a resolution as of yet. 3 screen setup - backglass, topper (full screen), playfield. The PinballX Topper Media folder is the cause. Specifically, some of the files are fine, others will cause the issue. For EX, Bad Cats won't play sound. But its not an issue with that table, the issue is with the topper file. I remove the topper, sounds work. Put the topper back, no rom sounds. I've downloaded and installed VLC 2.2.8 thinking that may be the issue, its not. I'm thinking its a CODEC or audio driver that is present in WIN10 that isn't native to WIN11. That's my current guess. I have a LAV filter codec pack I install which I have reinstalled with no effect. I think there use to be a pack vpin people would install called Sharkey's, I'll have a look there as well. Another option is to put all the videos through ffmpeg and convert/strip sound or something so ALL files are the same audio/video codec and see if that works. That said, I'm sure there's a fix that doesn't involve that step. I'm thinking a win11 update (maybe realtek drivers) was the culprit. Now just need the cure. Thanks for all the help so far guys.
  4. I can install 5.41, and will likely update once the issue is resolved. I'm at the point that I'm 100% confident the PBX version is not the issue. I'm close and I'll have an answer tomorrow.
  5. Good news for those who are following along. I renamed my PinballX folder to Pinballx_. Installed 5.02 to PinballX and copied over my config and databases from the older folder. Everything works! I then copied over all the Folders (not the root dir files). It mentioned 172 files to overwrite. One of those 172 files must be the culprit as its now broken again. I feel the end is in sight. I will deleted, reinstall, and test folder by folder to see if I can find the issue. If I can find the singularity and it is a legit bug, I'm sure Tom will appreciate the info. If anyone feels like placing bets on the culprit.... Its somewhere in the folders but likely not the Config or Database folder. My guess is Media or Plugins. EDIT - Its the MEDIA folder. Need to track down which specific sub folder is the issue, but it is 100% in the media folder. If anyone has an educated guess as to a file or folder that may be the culprit.
  6. Here's a copy of the INI I've also swapped out the external 7.1 soundcard with a completely different branded soundcard, no difference. So far my biggest clue is that Rom/music occurs when windows is set to 2.1, but not when set to 7.1. My 2 main tables that I'm testing (as that's helpful) are Attack From Mars and Bad Cats. One has puppaks, one doesn't. That doesn't seem to make a difference. ***FWIW - I did a fresh install on a new PC, same specs but WIndows10, PBX 5.02 Sam3.4, works perfectly fine. I'd love to not rip this PC out of a 100% finished cab if I could help it. PinballX copy.ini
  7. It was running fine for a few weeks. I turned it on today and this was the issue. Hence why it may have been a windows update, or maybe a c++ that I installed in the interim that broke something. I'll see about grabbing the ini and pasting here. That reminds me I should grab the ini from a known working setup I have and seeing if an overwrite solves the problem. I feel like from my diagnostics its PBX related, but may be a PBX bug caused by windows drivers....
  8. ***UPDATE with moderate success**** I've done some additional testing if it helps with problem solving: This MAY have occurred after a C++Redist update... maybe - Downloaded news Sam build 3.5(beta??) and installed via setup and setup64. No change - Re-installed PBX 5.02 (from the newest) No change Have tested in VPX and get full sound under 2.1 settings and 7.1 settings. Tested with PBX launch with 2.1 sound (in VPX, not windows) and 7.1, no rom sounds. Tested with PBX with 2.1 sound (Windows), ROM sounds now exist. So is this a Windows issue, or is PBX somehow not picking up 7.1 sounds from Windows??? The saga continues....
  9. I can check to see if I have the newest pinmame. I definitely keep the TOPPER (from PBX) running as I overlay the Freezy DMD onto the MP4 on a full Stern Style TOPPER Screen. Thanks for the input, I'll see if that helps and report back for everyone
  10. If I run direct from VPX, all sounds exist. When launching through PBX, center channel sounds are muted, ALL other sounds are present. Its basically all ROM sounds disappear. Just turned it on for the day and this occurred. Not sure if its Windows related. Fresh/updated install of PBX did not fix the issue. My first thought was to see if there was an issue with certain sounds not being able to play if PBX is hogging the audio channel. Haven't really been able to diagnose that though. Any thoughts? Thanks
  11. It would be nice if you could exit System X (ex mame, fx2, fx3, etc) and go back to the System Menu when you have 'one click launch' mode activated. With quick launch, it seems you must CLOSE PBX to get back to the system menu. Without one click launch, you have to hit ENTER, then go to systems which is counter intuitive. Thanks
  12. Thanks, that was somewhat helpful. I was now able to get DEMUL not only to open, but to at least open the game prompt window. To be clear, I'm looking for what is necessary to integrate DEMUL (and teknoparrot) with PIinballX. Just like Fx2 or FX3 can have parameters added to have those launch direct to table, I'm looking to see if its possible for these 2 emulators. Mame and Model2 I have fully integrated into PinballX just fine. Thanks
  13. I have multiple systems lined up (VPX, Mame, etc). If you don't have quick start enable, you can hit ENTER and then click SYSTEMS, but why hit ENTER when you want to go backwards? Is there a shortcut button to go from the VPX table list, to go back to the System list? Thanks
  14. 2 things, if you installed the NEWEST freezy which just came out, it will muck around with your dmddevice.ini and MANY users lost their DMD. Secondly, I 'think' VPX won't show the DMD in alt-tab if the x/y is off screen. This may not be it as it works in VPX standalone but not with PBX.
  15. I am trying to run light gun games off my pin cab. I have been successful in having games launch directly from PinballX in: MAME Sega Model 2 I have been unsuccessful in the following: Demul (Loads Demul but not straight to game) Sega Model 3 via Supermodel (Loads but not straight to game) Teknoparrot (no idea where to start) Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks very much.
  16. I edited the config file to match the resolution of the playfield screen (it was set to 1920x1080). That seemed to be the issue??? Resolved for now.
  17. Hello This seems to be an issue sometimes when I clone my drive for back up purposes. It doesn't seem to matter what screen I set the playfield to, it will only show on the backglass or DMD. (3 screen setup) Once I load VPX, everything is fine. This is a front end issue only. PBX just doesn't want to move to my playfield (Windows ID#2) In Windows, Playfield=2, BG = 1, DMD =3. This setup has always been fine. My playfield doesn't have to be #1. (PF - GPU - HDMI. BG - GPU - DVI. DMD-Onboard-VGA) Everything seems fine visually, I'm not brand new to this. I have had, and fixed this before but can't remember what I did. PBX 5.02 freshly installed, no change. I can get logs etc from the vpin if needed/helpful. Thanks everyone!
  18. Thank you so much. The DMD is overlaying exactly as expected. Greatly appreciated!
  19. I will test this out and report back. Thank you very much for all your great work Tom!
  20. That's great to hear. Thanks so much for looking into it!
  21. Hi Tom Thanks so much for the reply. So for people who only have single screen setups, they are only able to see Playfield Frontend media? There's no option for them to see DMD, Topper, or Backglass on top of their playfield video? I'm surprised with all the single screen support in vpx that its not available in the front end (unless I'm doing something wrong). I've seen people looking for support on single screen dynamic marquee setups in the Hyperspin forum for over 5 years. They have borderless window mode, but again a locked aspect ratio. Is it overly difficult to unlock the aspect ratio of windowed mode or better yet, have it a borderless window mode? Or at the least allow for the other media to overlay on top of the Playfield media? Regardless, thanks for a great product. I'm refusing the switch to pinup. It would be nice to get this vertical machine working as intended in PBX though.
  22. Files have been attached. From what I can see, it looks like the aspect ratio is locked. I can size my window vertically and it automatically adjusts my horizontal size. So likely I'm looking for a way to override the aspect locking or, the ability to affix the DMD overlay on top of the playfield/frontend with the frontend maintained as the active window. The former is preferred. Thanks for any info you can offer. log.txt PinballX.ini
  23. Thanks for the reply. I will get the internet going on my vertical cabinet to make the pasting easier. Will get to this tonight. Thanks again for the help. For what its worth, I've tried with the newest version and an older version. Both seem to lock an aspect ratio. They also don't seem to allow me to position the DMD properly. I would even settle (if needs be) for the Playfield to be full screen but with a forced DMD overlay. I've tried desktop mode, I've tried going from landscape to portrait in windows. I am well versed in PinballX as I have set up 3 of my own cabs (3 screens). For some reason, a Single Screen Setup with dynamic marquee (on the same screen) seems to elude me. Currently 6:19 PST, I expect to have the logs posted by 8:00pst. Thanks again.
  24. I'm running PinballX on a 32" screen mounted vertically. The screen is split between a DMD and the playfield. In the actual frontend, I'm having difficulty having the main window fill the screen. I'm in windowed mode, I can get my vertical portion of the PF (1000pixels) but no matter what value I place for the width, it seems to be locked and I can see about 2 inches of desktop on either side. Is PBX locked to a certain aspect ratio? Otherwise I'm sure this is user error but have not found out the issue yet. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  25. No matter which screen I select for the playfield, it will always go to the dmd or bg. I see it flash for an instant on the playfield screen, but then open full screen on a different screen. This happened after I cloned my drive as a backup and swapped it to my other vpin. I went as far as to rename folder to PinballXY and do a fresh install, same issue. Perhaps its a video driver issue? (donor pin had a different gpu), but both are gtx 1060. I will reinstall this next time to see if it fixes the issue. Give a brief description of you sytem setup (2/3 screen setup, feedback, addressable leds) 3 Screen setup. Are you using any 3rd party add-ons (dmdext, doflinx, PUplayer) No and not relevant Define which emulator you are having issues with (VPX, Future Pinball, FX3) Front end issue only Is the issue table specific or an issue for all tables? If so please state the table name. n/a Does this issue occur only when launching the game via PBX? n/a What Version of PBX are you on? Issue with 3.9x and then updated to 4.06 and problem persists. Attach your Pinball X xml, ini, and log files, DO NOT COPY THE CONTENTS INTO YOUR QUESTION, attach the actual files. I can do this if people feel it will help. It is NOT an issue with me simply editing the config to say screen2 vs screen 1. Thank you very much for any help you can offer.
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