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  1. Manually removed each c++ item in control panel. Rebooted. xdmd error removed, kernalbase error remained, back to netvideoplayer error. Reinstalled c++ via Nov 2024 all in one.... netplayer error gone, xdmd error returns. Reboot. No luck. Turned to .net issues. Can't unistall. Went and removed a few .net optoins (mainly printing options). Rebooted. Errors. Installed 6.55, WORKING! This was a fresh install and stuff is messed up (looks like PBX lite) but I think we're on the right track. Going to put old version back and will update on results. Turns out the 'messed up' look was because I backed up my setting and then went vanilla. Transferred over my inis and we're back baby!!! So to wrap up, I (think) it was a .net issue... there's a chance that doing nothing but installing 6.55 would have fixed it. I think I was using 6.54 with no success. Either way, thank goodness the nightmare is over. " Thanks for all the help and advice guys! The c++ reinstall really put me on the right path. Case closed (officially this time)
  2. DSIM and SFC have all bared no fruit. I see mentions of c++ runtimes and I will attempt that next as well as a newest pinballx install. Working on this issue now.
  3. So the consensus amongst tech gurus. Kernelbase.dll is the 'base of all kernels', thus I can't simply overwrite it. It will update literally with every single windows update, hence why it looked like it updated as soon as I went online to download new vpx etc. If I'm the only one with the issue, that seems quite odd. It could be my exact blend of setup makes PBX not like the exact kernalbase I have. That, or once people start getting windows updates, all hell breaks loose. I can say I updated my personal pin with no issues, and I just spoke with a buddy who's kernalbase was updated today, no issues. I'm officially at a loss with no idea other than trying to do a Windows rollback and see if that fixes it. Otherwise, maybe Tom can spot a potential conflict from the evert viewer logs I posted above. Sincerely, up shit creek
  4. Somehow the kernelbase.dll got updated as I was updating my Vpin. No idea how, but that's not really important. I'm trying to replace kernelbase dll as I'm certain that will resolve the issue. For some reason pinballx is just the sole casualty of this random update. I'll try the above methods though I'm fairly certain I've tried the SFC before, but not the DSIM. I'm away from the pin until at least Friday so it'll be a while until my next update. Seeing as its a Windows related issue, I will ask for help in Windows communities.
  5. I'm 99% sure this is an issue with Kernelbase.dll which just happened to somehow magically get updated 2 minutes before PBX stopped working. Just looking on how to overwrite that file and I will report back. So at the end of it, likely not a PBX error at all.
  6. Interesting the 2 errors I received are actual dll files in the PBX folder. netvideoplayer and xdmdnative.... not getting any closer but there's that. I have tried to copy over older versions to no avail. PBX lite does seem to load but still no go for PBX
  7. This comment written in error, can't seem to delete. Issues persist.
  8. Installed a fresh 6.54. Still the same Event Viewer issues. Kernalbase.dll and .net 6.0. Though the .net error now speaks of xdmdnative vs netvideoplayer. No log to provide as PBX never starts. Pinballx.ini is vanilla as it is a brand new install. It literally worked one minute on 5.47, then did not on 6.07
  9. These are the 2 logs from Event Viewer if it helps anyone. Did a Windows 24H2 update and the issue persists. Application: PinballX.exe CoreCLR Version: 6.0.2824.12007 .NET Version: 6.0.28 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'NetVideoPlayer, Version=1.1.8008.37561, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'NetVideoPlayer, Version=1.1.8008.37561, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' at PinballX.FrmMain..ctor() at PinballX.FrmMain.Main(String[] CmdArgs) Faulting application name: PinballX.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65d50000 Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.26100.2454, time stamp: 0x398a1cce Exception code: 0xe0434352 Fault offset: 0x00000000000c837a Faulting process id: 0x3720 Faulting application start time: 0x1DB60979E9A9115 Faulting application path: C:\PinballX\PinballX.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll Report Id: f983cbfa-5b49-4aad-a606-162eeb9f3756 Faulting package full name: bakPinballX.ini Faulting package-relative application ID: Attaching the log and ino as I know it will be asked. These did not update since the 6.07 install. Again, I did a full scratch install to c:\pinballx and the problem persists. No log files created as PBX never boots. log.txt
  10. Hello Really weird issue. I was running 5.47 on my setup and everything was fine. I installed 6.07 as that works well on my other setup. Made some other updates (vpinmame, vpx, database). Now PBX refuses to load. At all. I had similar issues before and it was a corrupted database xml. That's not the case this time. I've gone so far as renaming my Pinballx folder to (bak) and Done a fresh new install with no remaining old files. Still nothing loads at all. Because it never loads, no logs are created. I'm totally stumped. Anyone know where I should start looking? Thanks Edit: Got smart and looked at event Viewer. It says there is a faulting module Kernelbase.dll. I've going to see if I can resolve by overwritting that file with a known good and will report back. Edit 2: Also an error with .net version 6.0.28 and NetVideoPlayer ver 1.1.8008
  11. FWIW, this is the issue I had with 6.20 as well. I tried a few earlier versions with the same issue. I've been running 6.07 without issues. I don't have a lot else to offer, just that whatever issue with long exits exist in 6.20, do NOT exist in 6.07.
  12. Solved If you search in registry for the name of your dof64 folder, you will find an entry with the name Code Base. Simply point it to the correct spot and re-register.
  13. Well yes, that would have been the first thing I tried. You helped create this plugin correct? Where does the app derive the info for the Direct Output path in the Plugin's Config window? I'm assuming its a registry key. If I know where the app is pulling the info from, then I know what keys to overwrite.
  14. log.txtPinballX.iniNote this is from my test rig which is now on my desk and not hooked up to my vpin. But regardless, you can see that the DOF plugin can't initialize from the log.txt. My assumption is because its pointed to the x64 DOF folder.
  15. Correct, my DOF works everywhere except in PBX. I believe the issue resulted as I accidently registered the the 64bit DOF hence the plugin is looking in the 64bit directory. I'm assuming it needs to point to the 32bit as its a 32bit application. That's the only difference between my 2 setups, 1 I accidently registered the 64bit DOF, no DOF in PBX on that build. I need to figure out how to change it back in the registry, or how to change the DOF path in the DOF Plugin (possibly the same answer).
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