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  1. Hello, Is there an easy way to temporarily filter out the more graphic/risqué tables from the wheel? I know I can go in to the game editor and simply disable them, but it seems like maybe there would be an easier way to restrict a predefined list. My young daughters will be playing the tables, and I don't really think they need to see Gorgar for example It would be a great feature if you could easily restrict and grant access to predesignated tables with a couple of button presses. A "kid friendly" mode perhaps. PinballX is so awesome and full featured, I would imagine this feature is already here and I just haven't figured out how to do it yet!!
  2. Hello, Is it possible to change the "letter skip?" functionality from the nudge keys (currently "Page Up" and "Page Down") to my Magnasave keys ( "LCTRL" and "RCTRL")? I am getting ready to install my rig into my cab. If I leave it with the default settings, wouldn't I have to actually nudge the table (with digital plunger setup) to get the letter skip functionality? I am new to this and am sure I am overlooking something obvious, but the letter skip and nudge features seem to be linked in the PinballX setup tool. Since I will be using my cab flipper buttons for wheel navigation, it seems natural to have the letter skip mapped to the magnasave buttons. Thanks!
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