Headkaze, just wanted to say thanks on a solid program you wrote. I know its been out a while but finally got around to downloading it last night. I installed it and had my own control panel laid out including graphics in a couple hours and used the export batch feature so I could display control panels without having CP viewer running (low system specs, need as much free ram as I can get). My question is, and you've probably already answered this to death but I haven't seen it yet so I'll ask again, is how do I display only the control panel when I pause and not display the ugly mame bezel on vertical games? I'm at work and can't play around with it right now but last night when I messed with it, when I turned off bezel, it also turned off the cp png when paused. Do I just need to edit the mame bezel and make it all black to "hide it", or is there something I'm missing. I never have been a fan of the name mame and like windows, I try to hide any traces of it on my cab. I don't like to explain things, I just want people to get on the cab and play and not have to explain to people what mame stands for and all that. Thanks jthompson