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  1. Saw and installed the new release but I still have the stuck marquee image for me. To upgrade does one just run it and point to the same install directory? I never upgraded in the past as I never felt the need. Just making sure I am doing things right and not causing probs Also do you want new .ini/log files?
  2. Just noticed an updated GameEx Arcade version to 18.14 so grabbed and updated. Seems like I had just D/L so wasn't expecting that kinda frequency. Nice to see. Same result as 18.11 as for the marquees though.
  3. GameEx Arcade edition 18.11 Marquees work great but get stuck to the last game played before it enters Attract mode so it doesn't shuffle to match the current game being displayed. The marquee addition is great and love to sit back and spot games I've never played from afar. GameEx.ini log.txt
  4. I tried the x-arcade mame injector which I hadn't done since my OS reinstall. Seems to have done the trick this time! Thanks for your input. It had been a few years and was really like starting out from scratch.
  5. Okay a little update. I got the MAME.ini with the CORE INPUT and put X-Arcade in the ctrlr line. Unfortunately the same result on selecting Play This Game. Fade to black, white flash then black and then back to the selection screen.
  6. Hi Draco1962. Thanks for the input. I didn't have a MAME.ini file. It must have been wiped long ago. Didn't know I needed one and don't recall these difficulties in the past. I read up and figured out how to create a MAME.ini and now have one. I don't see the # CORE INPUT OPTIONS. I do see a # CORE OUTPUT OPTIONS. Is it that?
  7. Hi sorry for the slow responce. Yes I did. I did a quick install of GamEx Arcade the the Mame System Pack from this site. Went to the crtlr folder in the Mame path. There was an X-Arcade in there.
  8. Hi Draco1062. Thanks for your help. The X-Arcade works fine. It is just when I add the "-ctrlr x-arcade" to the line GameEx won't load the game. It launch loops. If I remove it it loads fine. But the of course I have no controller support. I have to reiterate GameEx and X-Arcade work perfectly fine until I launch a game. At this point I will re-do Windows and try again from scratch. I think too many attempts at this might have borked the system as far as GameEx goes. I used to run this cab fine (with some help) but now it has been 4+ months of on and off of just one more go. I will report back as soon as possible with the results.
  9. I have an issue when I add the "-ctrlr X-Arcade" to the controller under Advanced Mame Settings. The issue is before added every thing works fine but as soon as it is added launching a game will stall and loop back to the same Play This Game screen. Before I had discovered it was the "-ctrlr X-Arcade" I had tried all kinds of versions of Mame desperate to find out what was wrong. Mame always worked outside of GameEx in my troubleshooting. Today I redid everything and forgot to add the "-ctrlr X-Arcade" in my testing and it worked. Thinking I had fixed the issue I setup the X-Arcade stick with -ctrlr X-Arcade and the Play This Game screen loops. But the controller works fine. I remove -ctrlr X-Arcade and everything works except now I have no controller obviously. I am dumbfounded as how this issue can exist but it does for me. I have repeatedly added and removed -ctrlr X-Arcade with the same repeatable result.
  10. Okay got it going. Made sure "Screens" under "advanced setup options" was set to defaults. I don't think this was the problem. And played with display properties. It looked fine but wasn't working as noted. Disabled, re-enabled, reset resolutions, disabled extended desktop, enabled extended desktop etc.. Finally worked. So it was stuck on something I guess. Thanks for the help offered. Always appreciated
  11. Yes I quickly had a look at that thread. It's a bit above my level, and the use case isn't the same. I will have to drop in a mame forum somewhere Thanks for helping me narrow it down
  12. Hi Draco1962. I ran in MAME and had the same screen switch. I used Marquee Masher 1.4.23. Is there another plug-in? log.txt
  13. Hi folks. As stated I have a dual screen setup. Vertical for the GameExArcade and a horizontal to the marquee's. Software loads and runs completely normally. I scroll and select game and when I launch game it switches from my main display (monitor 1) to my second display (monitor 2). Marquees work fine as well up until game is launched and it switches to that screen. I have disabled the marquee plug-in for testing and it performs the exact same action. It just simply want to switch displays on game launch. Any help appreciated. GameEx.ini
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