Would it be possible to update the casino,majhog,other card related type games? I've manually deleted a lot of them but I noticed some still load up in attract mode
Yeah, I applied the patch this has happened on a few of the previous U builds as well. I understand man I don't want to break any rules or anything. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem? Thanks for the reply as always!
I keep wondering if the new versions broke something with Shenmue II disc 2. I tried the old Nulldc 1.6 and it ran fine with a few graphical glitches but no crashes I might give the optimized build a try and see what happens
Hey guys! I keep getting this random error in Nulldc while running Shenmue II. I've ran this game plenty of times in the past without issues. I've tried looking up the error with no luck. Sorry about the odd screenshot. I'm running dual monitors on my desktop. Also running latest Nulldc from here Nulldc
Hey guys! Thought I'd share this with everyone who didn't know about this yet. This is perfect for users who are shelling Windows 7. http://www.coderforlife.com/projects/win7boot/ I'm trying to make my own for my cab. Never been good at this sort of thing. Maybe some other users can give it a shot?
Tried install .net 1 it says it only supported XP and didn't run under 64bit. Tried 1.1 it installed. But GameEx is doing the same thing. Even tried downloading GameEx again and re-installing.