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About flocke28

  • Birthday 04/12/1972

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    Germany - Cologne

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  1. Yeah.. working again! :-) thanks a lot
  2. i checked the registry first but i didn't see the entrys which lcd smarties read.. GameEx.dll
  3. No. Display is empty.
  4. Cool Tom.. thank you very much.. is it still available in the last release 16.91? I updated but the display won’t show something. Need it a activation again?
  5. Could you pleae re-add the feature or add support to the LCD/LED Plugin via CH341A Driver?
  6. i'm using it since many years. There are no other lcd matrix plugins. The Official GameEx LCD/LED Plugin doesn’t work with my 4x40 char matrix
  7. Hi.. it seems that since release of 16.80 no data was written to the RegIstry to view in LCD Smartie Game names or other infos.. I reinstalled a release from November 2020. here lcd smartie shows data again.
  8. Olá amigo será que poderia me passar algumas configurações de emulador e jogos por que não tô conseguindo jogar nenhum jogo tá muito difícil qual a configuração correta tenho que deixar lá nas configurações e pra onde mando minhas emulador e jogos


  9. Hi Tom, Could you please check the audio settings. I disabled "download album/dvd" but gameex is still downloading album covers (maybe artist) from my music playlist in the folder gameex/media/albums thank you very much GameEx.ini log.txt
  10. HI Tom.. Attract Mode works again. But could you please check the audio-settings "Download Album/DVD". It is disabled but GameEx loads still album covers to C:\GameEx\MEDIA\ALBUMS thank you vewry much GameEx.ini
  11. Thank you very much Tom
  12. HI Tom, the Extender cause this issue.. Can you fix it? if it disabled then attract mode works well. Could you plaese also check why i don't get Update messegaes in gameex and wich part downladed album covers in C:\GameEx\MEDIA\ALBUMS. i need to disable this feature. I can't found something n the ini thank you very much GameEx.ini log.txt
  13. Hi Tom, i use the same setup xince many any years ago. I tried to disable the plugins but also mame in attract mode wont start. are you sure that the commaand line to start mame is correct? i entered the line in command window and nothing happend.. only if i delete the 1st driveletter C: then starts mame please take a look at the error message in the 3th line 06:20:16.57 10.05.2020: Running: cmd.exe /c C: C:\Emulators\Mame\MameUI64.exe pingpong -rompath D:\mame\roms -keyboardprovider dinput -artpath artworkgameex 06:20:23.33 10.05.2020: Exception occured running Attract Mode 06:20:23.34 10.05.2020: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. 06:20:23.36 10.05.2020: bei GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3) 06:20:23.37 10.05.2020: bei GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.z(Boolean A_0) log.txt GameEx.ini
  14. 16.41 don't fix that issue GameEx.ini log.txt
  15. hi all, since few update the attract mode doesn't work anymore. Te command line add an additional drive path. command from log-file cmd.exe /c C: C:\Emulators\Mame\MameUI64.exe popeye -rompath D:\mame\roms -keyboardprovider dinput -artpath artworkgameex first C: is to much.. if i enter the complete line in the cli nothing happend. Only cmd.exe /c C:\Emulators\Mame\MameUI64.exe popeye -rompath D:\mame\roms -keyboardprovider dinput -artpath artworkgameex starts mame. please also check the auto update. i don't receive update messages in GameEx anymore but is enabled in the ini-file log.txt GameEx.ini
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