Hi Tom,
i use the same setup xince many any years ago. I tried to disable the plugins but also mame in attract mode wont start.
are you sure that the commaand line to start mame is correct? i entered the line in command window and nothing happend.. only if i delete the 1st driveletter C: then starts mame
please take a look at the error message in the 3th line
06:20:16.57 10.05.2020: Running: cmd.exe /c C: C:\Emulators\Mame\MameUI64.exe pingpong -rompath D:\mame\roms -keyboardprovider dinput -artpath artworkgameex
06:20:23.33 10.05.2020: Exception occured running Attract Mode
06:20:23.34 10.05.2020: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
06:20:23.36 10.05.2020: bei GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3)
06:20:23.37 10.05.2020: bei GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.z(Boolean A_0)
log.txt GameEx.ini