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  1. As stand alone applications (ie. run from Firefox as well as Internet Explorer) both Netflix and Youtube work fine.
  2. Mmmm. Installing the codecs didn't help. (Note that the Shark007 codecs come with lots of adware, I first had to unpack them with 7zip. I hope that didn't hamper things.) I have attached the .ini and log-file. Hope that helps... GameEx.ini log.txt
  3. Ages ago (in those days when Microsoft was still pushing the ,MDI file format as an alternative for .PDF) I fooled around with GameEx. Haven't touched it for ages, but now I am looking at it again. (This because a new HTPC will return to the living room running Steam, Netflix, and some other stuff.) Unfortunately there are several things I cannot seem to get to work. 1. NetFlix makes GameEx freeze. As soon as I launch NetFlix the GameEx window totally freezes, and CPU goes up to 25% permanently. (Note: I'm in Europe.) 2. YouTube leads to a blank screen. As soon as I start the YouTube option the screen goes black. I can still return to GameEx but on YouTube itself nothing happens. 3. System config. Windows 7 (UK version) fully patched NVida GT450 (latest drivers installed) Default browser FireFox I'm not a total noob (at least I hope I'm no longer one :-)) but I feel a bit lost. Some help would be seriously appreciated.
  4. It allows you to point to one or more files, execute them in sequence, wait for windows or programs to start, and detect when they end, or kill them when pressing escape. An example: I want to run a certain windows game (Red Alert 2, for example) on my machine. I have imaged the cd's, so now I have the disc images on my PC. Inside Unirun I create a profile, which does the following: - unload any images - load the ra2 image - check if the ra2 image has loaded - launch the ra2.exe file - wait until ra2. exe has ended Nothing you couldn't do with a batch file, this is just easier, and looking for files or processes that started is a bit hard from a command prompt :-) I could also use it for running a certain game in a certain emulator (this part is not totally fleshed out yet, as Unirun itself doesn't accept command line parameters yet, but that's a breeze to add). You could, for example, set up Unirun like this: - start an emulator with specific parameters in a specific format (as you know some emulators need additional spaces, quote characters, etc.) - pass the name of the rom file - check for either emulator start or the existence of a specific window - switch to that specific window - check the emulator, or kill the emulator if the esc key is pressed There's still a little work to do, but in the end it will look something like: Unirun RA2 Unirun Meka %p1 Unirun Meka "Alex Kid" ... and similar things. It's simple, stupid, and probably very easy to turn into a 'real' frontend (though never as nice as Gamex, and I have no intention to do so) but it sometimes comes in handy. Of course, it's a work in progress, but the remainder isn't much.
  5. New version 0.07x.
  6. A little add-on that may (or may not :-)) simplify launching certain applications with Gameex. Feedback highly appreciated. http://www.xs4all.nl/~bluez/datatalk/pure29.htm#2_unirun
  7. Get an IPac or a WizKey.
  8. Well, the menu 'GameExtender' isn't exactly the place where I was expecting this option... And yes, the resolution is low, I know. I just don't like things like this, they should be opt-in, not opt-out. On top of that, I am mightily surprises it's not actually showing the game played, but the desktop, which (IMHO etc.) means it's flawed. So if it's flawed this way, there's no telling how it's flawed in some other way... Oh well. Perhaps I'm anal retentive.
  9. But how to turn this feature off? I just noticed that GameEx posted an image of my desktop there on Live!, not just game info. I've been going through all the options, and simply can't find anything that would block an upload. Who can help me? I consider this a sufficient security risk to immediately throw this program off my PC, in spite of having donated / registered.
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