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  1. I have found a workaround for now. It appears that the "Auto position DMD" setting is ignored, so you have to blank out X, Y, Width and Height settings in the DMD section. This allows me to still use the PinballX menu DMD, but I can't position it properly. Either way, it's not overwriting my DMD settings any more when I play using PinballX.
  2. I have a 3 monitor cabinet setup on Windows 7. I'm seeing an issue with a few tables where the DMD positioning is being overwritten in the VPinMame registry when using PinballX to launch the table. I can play the table by loading it directly in Visual Pinball with no issues. And, most tables have no issue at all. I've tried many of the DMD settings in PinballX config but have not had any luck. I've also verified that the table have no DMD positioning settings in them. In fact, I've tried to force the DMD positioning in the scripts and they still get moved off screen by PinballX.
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