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  1. Scutter, Let me try that cheap trick. As mentioned, I have installed and removed pinballx so many times that I may have skipped that setting.
  2. Yes. I have a taskbar after closing pinballx. I'm going to try another route as my last attempt with this software. I'm going back to an earlier version that I was using back in 2019. if this doesn't work, I'll move on to another frontend. I appreciate all that you folks have done, but I have had other unresolved issues with this software that I thought would have been sorted out after 5 years.
  3. I understand that you are one of the developers of this front-end, but you refuse to understand or believe what I am saying. With that said, the pointer is gone and NEVER APPEARS AGAIN!!! AFTER REBOOT, I HAVE NO MORE MOUSE POINTER IN WINDOWS 10. IT IS BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT CAN ONLY BE FIXED THIS BY REMOVING PINBALLX FROM MY PC.
  4. I found the log file. I looked at the content and it said to delete the Flash.OCX file and reinstall PinballX. First, this Flash.ocx is like bubble gum on the sole of your shoe, it doesn't like to be removed, so I moved it to another folder. I reinstalled PinballX, but I kept my playfield data base and config file from my 2019 version, as I have several hours of work to build this correctly and if I have to do it again, it just would not be worth pursuing this. I digress, I restarted windows 10 and tried running pinballx, but it was behaving weird (I was missing all but two tables). I exited pinballx and obviously and predictably the mouse curser disappeared again. Reboot, same thing. My machine is broken, and the problem is caused by pinballx. Attached is my log. log.txt
  5. First, thanks for everyone's help. No, I lost the mouse pointer for windows 10, even after I reboot the machine, it still does not appear. This makes it difficult to navigate on the GUI. The only way for me to restore my mouse pointer is to remove pinballx. Attached is the ini file. I am still looking for the log file. Which folder would that be in? Rick PinballX.ini
  6. When I loaded the latest version of PinballX, I lost my mouse curser. I removed Pinballx from my Win 10 system and everything is good again. BTW- I noticed that there is a setting for making the mouse visible or not. Initially, I set this to on. I was able to change it back to disabled (allowing the curser to be visible), but I still could not restore my curser even after reboot. Any help would be appreciated. Rick
  7. Folks, After trying several combination. I have something now that works, although not optimum. Allow me to preface with mentioning how unstable the B2S DMD is. I was able to get the DMD to work by removing the 'Launch before/after executable' which in the default case is 'notepad.exe'. However, I did encounter a table where I saw the DMD momentarily and it went away. All other subsequent tables followed suite until I reset the DMD position using setDMD (which I never discovered what it does to get the DMD back). What I did was invoke Vpinmame using the F1 key when the table is running and the mouse is over the main monitor (playfield). When this menu comes up you will see 10 check boxes on the left and 7 parameter boxes on the right. Look at the check boxes near the bottom, you will see the "show DMD/Display window' this should be checked. Uncheck this box and check the the one below it (Use external DMD DLL). Click on the OK key and the menu disappear after telling you that you need to exit the program for these parameters to change. So exit out of the game and and select it again. A DMD display should appear somewhere on your system, likely somewhere it should be. Use the mouse to re-position it. At the lower right corner there is an arrow of the DMD. You can resize it to your liking. So this is where it is not optimum- Once you set the size and location, you are now stuck with it for all your tables, like a condom; it is a one size fits all. So applying a bit of brevity: Remove launch before/after executable makes this work most of the time (might be 100%, alcohol might have messed up my experiment) Use VPINMAME F1 utility to select the external DMD If anyone else has more to share about this, I would certainly appreciate it. Regards, Rick
  8. Draco, Ironic, I'm looking at the display section of the PinballX setup wizard. They have a setting of the backglass (1280x1024), but they do not have a setting for the display. Entering my DMD dimensions does not yield any different results. I noticed that there is a x and y dimension for the backglass. What is that for? Regards, Rickey
  9. Draco, As originally stated, I lose my DMD display when running under pinballx. When I exit out of pinballx, I go directly to Visual pinball 9.9.5 and the DMD is also absent. I run SetDMD (v1.05) , enter my defaults and update all installed ROMs. For some strange reason this makes the DMD work again (can't see differences in registry). Next I run Visual pinball 9.9.5 again and my DMD appears where expected, I exit out of Visual pinball 9.9.5 and go back and do the same; my DMD works. I go back into pinballx and tray another DMD table. While loading, I see the DMD appear momentarily , than it's gone. I try ALT/TAB and it is completely blank. I'm still trying several combinations, but success is still elusive. Thanks, Rick
  10. Draco- I sincerely appreciate your help. Attached are the files requested. Thanks, Rickey PinballX.ini log.txt
  11. Draco- Ok I'll take it back for now. I tried everything. same original problem. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Thanks, Rick
  12. Draco, Thanks man! You make it sound so easy. ;-) Rickey
  13. Many thanks to the folks on this forum providing me assistance. Here is where I am at the moment: I backed up my pinballx folder and removed pinballx from my PC. I had the 64 bit version which might have caused the original issue. I reinstalled Pinballx 32 bit. Tried to run VP9.9.5, but discovered that VPINMAME was was hosed. I re-installed and VP worked without issues (my DMD was working too) I ran the config on PinballX made sure everything looked good Tried to invoke PinballX, but it did't budge. I mean the program did not want to execute. Realized that I might need to run Pinballx Manager so I did and all my games were missing. So when it told me that it detected games I allowed it to scan. However, when dust settled all the games were missing the artwork. What did I do? I tried getting a handful of games configured just to see if this fixed my original issue. I attempted to run pinballz , but again it not budge. I must of messed up something and I will look at the FAQs tonight. Since I have this folder backed up I don't think that there was any damage. In the meantime if someone sees this problem as a low laying fruit solution, please advise. Again, thanks Rickey
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