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  1. Yeah that was it. I missed that option. Sorry. You can delete this thread. Thanks
  2. I have read that all you need to do is download the video in mp4 format and drop it in the correct folder C:\PinballX\Media\Startup Videos I did so and it doesn't play. It just showed the startup image. I moved the startup image logo hoping it would then start the video, it just loads right to the wheel. I put the logo back and now it doesn't even show. What am I missing?
  3. I will uninstall and reinstall steam today when I get home and see what happens. If it doesn't change then yes I will post those. Thank you Update: Here is my pinballx.ini and log file. Note: I have Steam installed in my C:/ directory, but I install games from Steam on my E:/ drive I haven't tried re-installing anything yet, I want to see if there is an easy fix before I do that. And here is my log as well. Update 2: Well, I found out why. I didn't have the steam exe set to launch then pinball fx exe. Silly mistake I overlooked many times. Thanks
  4. @Draco1962 Thanks Draco, I do have the games named properly, so that's not the issue. I cannot seem to get it. Now I am getting hit with the "Steam is not currently running, it must be running to play" type message. Even when I have steam literally open in the background. I am hoping this is just a windows 10 bug and when I go to install on my windows 7 cabinet I won't have this issue. It's driving me nuts.
  5. @Kustom KidThat is what I was having the issue with. I have no problem manually adding them, but when I launched PinballX it was there, but when I hit enter to play, it just froze at the loading screen. @Draco1962 I will try a few things here again and if it fails I will do that. Thanks Draco. OK so I found out what the problem was, for some reason I am getting the "The publisher could not be verified" message now so it's waiting for me to choose run before it will launch. I have no idea how that happened now when it was fine yesterday. I found this thread here explaining the same issue. The is though, when I uncheck the box that says ask me this everytime it won't save that option. Everytime I try to go back in and run a table it asks me the same thing. I have looked around for a way to stop getting this message but I am not having any luck. I have windows 10, maybe that is why? But it was working yesterday no problem. I also have it set to administrator rights (both pinballx and pinball fx2)
  6. Maybe I am just incredibly tired and stressed out from this, but I just downloaded the new Aliens vs Pinball pack for PFX2 on steam, but how do I get it to show those tables in the front end of PinballX? I tried using the games manager and adding it myself, but that didn't work. I tried deleting the xml file in the database, hoping it would repopulate with the update, that didn't work either and so I had to uninstall PinballX and re-install it. I did this and it shows my old games, but not the new aliens vs pinball tables?
  7. @gStAv I do have access to FTP and I am just about to download the ones I need/want I did not know about your launch audio files but I will check those out now as well. I appreciate this work because as I said, I was doing them myself and realize it's a slow painful process so props to you!
  8. Fantastic work! I was doing these myself and now I found this.
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