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  1. Feature Request - From PinballX, I would like an option to be able to change the table sort order from alphabetical to newest installed tables to oldest installed tables. I'd hope this option could be listed in the same place that table lists/groups are listed. I think this would be a great way for family or guests to be able to see find the newly added tables in order from newest to oldest. Thank you for your time, Marc
  2. Why not just use the quit button to manually exit out when done playing the table like quitting the VP tables? Just wondering?
  3. I think the "launch after executable" means to launch your kill FX2 script after PinballX launches FX2. So, FX2 will launch, then the kill script is executed. Let me know if I'm wrong when you try it. I use the launch before executable to script my table volumes based on time of day.
  4. Personally, I don't think you can do what you're trying to do automatically. Once I'm done with a table in Pinball FX2, I use the same quit button to exit the table as I use to quit the VP tables. I have Quit in PinballX set to Escape. I then set VP to also use Escape to quite. Works for me. Oh, also, I'm using joystick inputs for PinballFX2 and I had to map out my buttons to find that, for me, Button 7 was the quit button. I also have that mapped in PinballX on the Joystick Input Settings page. About Batch files - Hint, to put this in very layman's terms, a batch file is just a .txt (text) file that has .bat file extension instead of .txt. You put your command or list of commands inside the .bat file. When you run the .bat (batch) file, it executes the commands in order. Start with creating a new file in Notepad with your commands, then do a save as, but change the type to *.*, give it a filename ending in .bat instead of .txt. You can then run your saved .bat file by double clicking it and edit the file in notepad as needed. Yes, there are lots of ways to do this. I figured this would be easiest way to explain it to someone who is new to this. If you saved it as .txt first and try to rename it to .bat, you'll prob save it as .bat.txt and that won't work. You'll have to turn on "show file extensions" in Windows Explorer.Here's prob a good link for noobs on batch files if you'd like to dig deeper. http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm
  5. I also did not have a [Partner] section in my C:\PinballX\Config\PinballX.ini file, but adding the following to the end of the ini file and saving it did fix PinballX without the need to block it via Windows Firewall. Wierd. [Partner] DontDisplayUpdateMessage=True Code=VpCabs1012 Thanks Chaser for the info!
  6. Thank you for the reminder. I updated my workaround/fix post above with that info.
  7. Enable a firewall rule to block PinballX from talking to the internet so we can play Pinball without getting the "Version Expired. Please Download New Version." error for those of us that already are running the newest version. Note: This is successfully tested on my Win7 Pinball cab, but I also tested the commands on Win10 and it does create/delete the rule there successfully too. Copy and paste the following command in a command prompt window if you don't want to mess with the Windows Firewall GUI. (Start > Run > CMD) -Please note, if your path to the executable is different, you will need to edit the path to the .exe. Also, some may be using PinballXLite.exe instead. Make the adjustments as needed. netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block PinballX" dir=out action=block program="c:\pinballx\pinballx.exe" enable=yes Here's the command to delete the rule that was just created; when a fix as been rolled out and you want to return to normal. Again, copy and paste the following command in a command prompt window. netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Block PinballX" dir=out I attached the commands above in the form of batch files as well, if someone would rather use that. See attachments. Happy New Year everyone! Now go play some Pinball! Smoke.007 Unblock PinballX.bat Block PinballX.bat
  8. For anyone that needs to record a video of their screen and share, I wanted to recommend https://screencast-o-matic.com/. It's free and super easy to use and share the video.
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