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  1. As @Draco1962 mentioned, this happens some times; I have had it happen when updating Video drivers, but also ramdonly on PinballX start; if I quit PinballX and run it again it works as expected, really odd... Right now I have a pending NVidia driver update because I don't want to deal with re-arranging monitors Something else that's caused some headache is the fact that the .ini config file identifies the monitor # differently than what you see in the windows screen settings, or even PinballX's display settings (via settings.exe). Monitor #1 is registered in the config file as #0, monitor #2 is #1 and so on.
  2. Oh boy, what a beauty. A curated source for Pinball tables. Thanks for the efforts!
  3. @Carny_Priest I see the two Marvel Women of Power in the FTP. Are you referring to different ones? -PinballX-/Media/PinballFX2/Table Videos/MARVEL_MsMarvel.mp4 and -PinballX-/Media/PinballFX2/Table Videos/MARVEL_WOP_TheNextGeneration.mp4
  4. Ok! Problem solved thanks to the fine folks in this thread! It was a combination of things really, all pointed out by you guys above in one way or another: PF = 1920x1080 (landscape - hence the 270 rotation) / BG = 1920x1080 / DMD = 1280x1024. My monitors are all top-aligned Windows sees my monitors as PF=1, BG=2, DMD=3. The Nvidia utility sees them as PF=1, BG=3, DMD=2 Pinball X sees them as PF=0, BG=2, DMD=1; that's in the .ini file, however the settings.exe refers to them as 1,2,3... quite confusing to say the least Upgraded to the latest version (which didn't really help my problem directly) I was also confused as to the role of c:\visual pinball\tables\ScreenRes.txt and pinballX backglass and DMD positioning, the documentation IMHO is not clear as to how these play (or don't) together. I also removed the offset on the backglass X position and set it to zero; the DMD X position had to be adjusted for some of the DMD images. PinballFX2 now works flawlessly, even with Backglass Videos! Now to fine tune DMD images, run PBX Recorder and wrap up the software side of things. I'd love to see better documentation when it comes to some of the features and their effect on VP/PA/PBFX2/FP. Thanks everyone again.
  5. I used Wild West Rampage as an example. All the games defined in pinball fx2.xml show up in pinballX. They all show wheels (including Wild West Rampage), they all show playfield images and play table and launch sounds. None of them show a backglass image! They also all launch successfully, and once in Pinball FX2, they do show the backglass images. I know these come from a different folder, but I even copied them to the Pinball FX2\Backglass Images\ folder and they still won't load in PinballX (which sortof rules out the image file being the issue) Thanks again!
  6. Thanks @Carny_Priest! No files in the Backglass Videos folder. I tried a different image as well; I copied a VP10 Big Bang Bar backglass image that works fine in PinballX and renamed it "Western.jpg", but PinballX still wouldn't show it! I even converted the image to .png in case it required that extension, but nothing. I also resized them to be exactly the size of the backglass resolution to no avail.
  7. Pinball FX2 refuses to display backglasses when browsing tables PinballX (but will display the backglass inside the Pinball FX2 application). PinballX has no trouble displaying Pinball FX2 playfield images, wheel images, and playing launch sounds and table sounds... Example entry in my c:\pinballX\databases\Pinball FX2\Pinball FX2.xml: <menu> <game name="Western"> <description>Wild West Rampage</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Zen Studios</manufacturer> <year>2015</year> <type>Pinball OG</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>5</rating> </game> </menu> I have an image named "Western.png" in c:\pinballX\media\Pinball FX2\Backglass Images\ Heck, I have actually even tried having several files with different possible names and extensions: Western.jpg Wild West Rampage.png Wild West Rampage.jpg I have checked the folder permissions and they match exactly those of the rest of media folders. I read something about PBFX2 having trouble displaying a backglass if the size of the backglass was different to the backglass screen resolution. My Backglass monitor is a TV and at 1920 x 1080 it was overscanning, therefore I was tweaking the resolution in the NVidia Control Panel to make the backglass images work. Today I set the TV to "PC Mode", which provides a native 1920 x 1080 resolution and removed the scaling options from the driver settings, but it still can't display Backglasses inside PinballX! Remember that PBFX itself can display backglasses; also, the three versions of VP that I have installed can show backglasses in PinballX!!! I am not sure what could be going wrong Here are copies of the config.ini, pinball fx2.xml and log.txt. log.txt Pinball FX2.xml PinballX.ini
  8. This one is solved (at least for the Visual Pinball tables...) The problem is that I had an extra "\" after TablePath. It was pointing to "C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\" and it should be "C:\Visual Pinball\Tables"!!!
  9. I have one table that will not load the B2S backglass inside PinballX when browsing through tables, but it will when launched from Visual Pinball. Furthermore, once the table is launched from PinballX, it will display the B2S. I do have the option enabled to show the B2S backglass as the backblass image. The table in question is "The Walking Dead (Stern 2013)", a physmod5 table running the Visual Pinball Physmod5 exe that I have added as "Other Systems" in the settings. All tables reside in c:\visual pinball\tables. The .exe resides in c:\Visual Pinball and coexists with other VP9 versions and VP10. The log says that it created a backglass, just like it does with other tables that do work. Here's the configuration of the table under C:\PinballX\Databases\Visual Pinball Physmod5\Visual Pinball Physmod5.xml <menu> <game name="VP99_The Walking Dead (Stern 2014)"> <description>The Walking Dead (Stern 2014)</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Stern</manufacturer> <year>2014</year> <type>Pinball SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>4</rating> </game> </menu> I have attached: - Table and B2S names - "Other Systems" configuration - Visual Pinball Configuration - Display B2S backglass setting in config - PinballX.ini file Thanks! PinballX.ini
  10. At one point, they all worked great; just recently, no DB2S tables show me the DMD. Again, the DMD is there when you ALT+TAB but it will not come to the front
  11. Understood. My apologies!
  12. Hi, Bumping this, it's reaaally frustrating :/
  13. It is set to True. The issue still exists <game name="VP10_NBA-Fastbreak"> <description>NBA FASTBREAK</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Bally</manufacturer> <year>1997</year> <type>Pinball SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>4</rating> </game>
  14. Hi all, I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of weeks now, and I have not been able to google my way through the problem. When I launch a B2S Visual Pinball table from PinballX, the DMD loads, but it will not be visible. It does show if I ALT+TAB between windows, but when I switch to it, it will not come to the foreground at all. If I run the tables directly from within Visual Pinball, the DMD shows where it should (see attached image). The funny thing is that the DMD was visible at some point when running from PinballX, but no longer. Setup details: 3 screens: #1 Playfield, #2 Backglass, #3 DMD Running VPX, with vpinmame (cab version), PinballX - Latest versions of all All tables are B2S tables and the Backglass loads properly I have the latest codecs required for PinballX installed (if that makes a difference) Thanks! log.txt PinballX.ini
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