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  1. No, the destination of Roma did not Are changed on the ini file and my roms are very present in my roms folder (I was removed for the attachment that I have just presented). I really hope to find a solution to this problem.
  2. Thanks Yes I am French and speaks English like a Spanish cow (expression) then passes through Google / bible fish for me to comprehend). Here is my config GameEx for model 2 and model 2 zip (nothing expetionnel) [Emulator_01] Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=Sega M2 Arcade [M2Emu] TITLETEXT=Sega M2 StartPageLogo=segamodel2 ROMFilter=*.zip RomPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\SegaM2Emulator\ROMS RomsInFolders=False SnapPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\avisnap TitlePath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\titles BoxPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\boxes CartPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\carts ManualPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\manuals ControlPanelPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\MAME\MAMEUI\controls InstructionsPath= WorkingPath=F:\Program Files\Emulation\SegaM2Emulator MapKeys= WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=True ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=False Debug= MAPFile= AlsoLaunch= Command=emulator_multicpu.exe [ROM] LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter= configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) ExcludedFiles= CustomBackground= PlayMusic= DontShowInfo= PlaySelectionMusic= SelectionMusicFolder= PCGame= DATABASE=[Arcade] MAME Edited UseDbName=True GamesIn7Zips= PlayInScreenSaver=True ShowMostPlayed=True RandomMostPlayed=True CDCheck= CDCheckFile= CustomArtName1= CustomArtPath1= CustomArtName2= CustomArtPath2= CustomArtName3= CustomArtPath3= [GENERAL] DumbyValue= m2emulator.zip
  3. Thanks it is not the way to run Model2, but the launch of the Roma on Model2 since GameEx ... Is there a solution?
  4. Yes I try to add in my Model 2 emulator list and be functional. By cons I was not error! Model 2 starts correctly but Roma did not start. Why? and how? Should he make beats as files to include zinc in the list of emulator? Apart from GameEx, model 2 is running correctly and run the roms. I set the ini file of model 2 to run in fullscreen mode launch
  5. Have you an answer please?
  6. Hello, I seek has to include sega model 2 emulator (m2emulator) in the list of the emulators but nothing goes. J' however tried to find a astuice has l' helps of the forum. But that does not function and certain bonds died like this one . you could m' to indicate the procedure has to follow to make function m2emulator on gameex. j' adds that the set n' is not complete when l' one passes by Mame. I miss it by exeple daytona the USA, motor raid or Sega rally. How that is done. Thanks
  7. Hello everybody, I just swap my old version of the new kawaks cons. I can see a more kawaks in full screen mode has its opening. Could you refresh my memory? thank you to all WinKawaks.zip
  8. It is always interesting. How? If not I would really put two or three vignettes (blocks) in my theme.
  9. Sorry, I do not want to display in multi gameex window. But display multiple block image on my theme in the creation of my theme on the theme editor
  10. Thanks i'm sorry, Create 3 boxes on my theme: 1 for my snapmovie, 1 for my titles 1 for panel
  11. I do nothing .. I no longer have the problem. Again thank you for the answer ... : D and sorry for inconvenience
  12. Hello everybody, I had to ask my question piege. And now no one answers! : D Please, help me. Thank you
  13. Hello, Hello is it possible to put more windows on my theme to be met, - A window screenshots - A window snapmovie - Box a window, tilt, or other card Please do this as Thanks
  14. Thanks, Yet it asks me to uninstall gameex to install the new version ...
  15. Hello, How to update gameex?
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