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  1. Can someone do me a solid and send over your Pinball Arcade XML file to save me from building out the grids. I will be forever grateful. Thanks!
  2. I haven't played around too much with "Wait for" and "table select delay", but yet I would say it takes about 30 seconds or so before I click on a TPA table in PinballX and it finally loads. This is mostly because it has to use the grid function to click through the menus and select the proper table. FX2 use to be like this years ago, but now you launch FX2 directly. As far as I understand it Farsight has yet to embrace the pinball cabinet community for TPA for things like cabinet mode, front end system launching (pinballx) or directoutput feedback capabilities. Real bummer.
  3. This worked for me. Originally was having problems because I had to have steam verify cache files for Pinball arcade, a file was messed up. Thank you.
  4. Can I get a screenshot of settings people are using to get TPA to work in PBX. Mine are attached. I use TPAFreeCamMod and DX11. I can get PBX to launch TPA DX9. But tried the following to get DX11. Have PBX Launch TPAFreeCamMod before launching TPA through stream - TPA doesn't launch at all Have PBX Launch TPAFreeCamMod which directly launches TPA DX11 (TPAFreeCamMod settings.ini) - Get "Game Allow" error that I heard you can't get around anymore even with Admin rights and UAC turned off. Rename PinballArcade.exe to something else, then rename PinballArcade11.exe to PinballArcade.exe, use steam default settings for TPA - Nothing launches. My default screenshot attached. Can I see a screenshot of someone's that is working please and if I need to rename files.
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