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  1. Yeah, I’m freakin’ stoked! Need media for these now!
  2. All it took was updating PBX! Hate asking a dumb question, but it's nice when it's a simple solution. Thanks!
  3. Ok, so I'm finally sitting down to get PBX up and running on my new(ish) pc, grabbed the .xml someone was nice enough to share for PBFX3, and I'm having an issue launching any tables. The only ones I want are the PBFX3 Williams/Bally tables with the upgraded physics, and what happens when I launch them is the "loading" screen covers my playfield, the backglass loads properly, and I hear the PBFX3 music start, then it loads the table and I hear the table music. I can even launch the ball. If I Alt+TAB through my windows, I can see the playfield screen from PBFX3, but if I try to select it, nothing happens. The loading screen still covers my playfield monitor. Someone said a while back in an old thread that you have to add -class to your PBFX3 system setup in the PBX settings to launch the realistic physics mode, which I did. I think I attached the correct relevant files. Thanks in advance for any help! PinballX.ini Pinball FX3.xml log.txt
  4. Could someone please share an up-to-date XML for PBFX3? Also is it still just a matter of adding -class to the pbfx3 configuration to default to launching the "arcade mode" realistic physics? I have all the currently available Williams tables, but I changed my vpin computer a while back and never got around to setting up PBX again. Been occupied building a DK-inspired bartop also. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello all, Just wondering if there is currently any way to direct launch into the realistic physics "arcade mode" in PBFX3 for the Williams tables, as right now it seems like direct launch defaults to the "video-gamey" mode. Thanks!
  6. That looks nice Draco! I thought about one of those VirtuaPin minis a while back but opted for a zizzle that I converted instead. I wonder if they could get me custom rails/lockdown bar for my zizzle... Hmmm...
  7. I had hoped someone here would have the solution. I thought PBX could change rotation for different programs too but I don’t see any way to do that. I’ll check the VP forums. Thanks!
  8. Ok, been googling for a few hours and I can't figure this out. Finally trying to mess with Visual Pinball and I got AFM setup and running, but it's displaying the table rotated and stretched(my playfield on my cab is a portrait mode 1920x1080 display). The new version of PinballX is awesome, and I finally got the GameEX sub and being able to import all the table media automatically is great! I don't see any "backdrop" settings in the software, which seems to fix this issue, and I'm not sure where else to look. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I tried rotating my monitor in windows settings, then running VP9, same thing. I'm using cabinet mode VP9 tables from VPForums.
  9. I'm personally pretty excited about this. I know a lot of people have ill will towards Farsight(understandably so), but I'm happy to pay for legit software when possible. Bought every season and the Arcooda key, can't wait to try it out.
  10. Haven't had a chance to, I'd love to be more active, contribute more, hell, just get to play my games more. But having a full time job, kids, trying to finish a degree, working on other projects etc. in my free time is a little restrictive.
  11. Anyone else test this yet? My mini pin has a low end AMD dual core CPU and a GTX750Ti, couldn't use table videos before because of lag. Can't run Ghostbusters on PBA because it stutters like crazy. I have a brand new i7 PC lying around, just didn't want to set it up until I build my full size pincab.
  12. I use NoEx's freecammod and it's running PBA perfectly.
  13. Do you have a real dmd? I have a two monitor setup, and my secondary screen has both the backglass image and the digital dmd displayed on it. I do not see anywhere in cabinet mode settings to just disable the play field dmd.
  14. Like Draco said, it’s best to make sure EVERY piece of software you run on your rig is set to run as administrator. You can change that by just going to the properties of everything you run. Not to derail, but where’d you get that 7” lcd and what did it run you?
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