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bloodydrake last won the day on July 13 2019

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  1. glad i could help
  2. i got about 64 now I'll upload to the ftp this weekend
  3. Zaccaria has now been greenlit in only 21 days! they've launched an Indiegogo campaign to try and self publish and fund more pc specific features(not sure if this news should be a separate thread) 25US pledge gets the full game with all 38 tables..Im presuming it will be a steam key. Thats a great deal might be cheaper then what I paid for gold on the ipad. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/zaccaria-pinball-for-pc-mac-linux/x/2906410#/
  4. thanks guys really appreciate the help!
  5. Heres basic Media pack that has backglass images, Table images, Table video and table audio https://mega.nz/#!NxM1BLTL!NVJubBLoQpgMN7uYmMKMQIK3YVcD8cplOGg0Iv70rfM
  6. heres the playfield videos for fireball and Eldorado https://mega.nz/#!Z9tggaAa!Tpd8kZ-Zn2EIqZ1a7xDcAVnHv6Ku6WofzJ1OO3G_Lak
  7. Making progress I got it to show up in PinballX now and it launches the app but once the table launches it automatically returns PinballX menu in the forground and i can hear ProPinball running in the background. I know Pro Pinball doesn't load full screen you have to hit f11 to make it fullscreen with early access version on steam, I'm wondering if thats related
  8. no, but i will try that next , thanks for the tip
  9. just curious if its possible and how to set it up. I tried a custom mode and used these settings but I can't get it to show up.
  10. 1975 Gottlieb El Dorado 1972 Fireball oh and i just realized i can't find Starship Troopers in the thread
  11. couple more done Portal no grill https://mega.nz/#!tsE1ALqK!mFk94AkIn1S39kIwLPvQU4EegD5krwE-wbE4rMJqV_s With Grill https://mega.nz/#!x882iRQa!1wv82JdmQOhbMnxf2zbWacYPReZxomVTzkxln68Lnew Spider-Man no grill https://mega.nz/#!psNy0Sbb!anBg2kgPuY0RPS1mYDGkBJD6UDFoPmBkru4pR1tpIHw With Grill https://mega.nz/#!ElcnAS4T!GqWLHg8QYl2VrU1yXyDkrYDNIcOaH516g1rhhP-nqIA
  12. Got a few more done Trying to use some Motion Comic Trailer style for these. WorldWarHulk is kinda low res but can't find a HD source file for it so its the best I can do. X-men turned out really good I think Wolverine No Grill https://mega.nz/#!M8UnVZJJ!HlCghS0GxwTEQSS7gcMyp5MS2V-vu1Jf56-fbEGzKN0 With Grill https://mega.nz/#!Qs9hDL5Y!BG_jLroBSDRs40EcITX4RDNE-hKS8sJPBn4LDyx7Iqk X-Men No Grill https://mega.nz/#!E9lSHLwJ!fhw-sKM4-I6SxCdd75LrydR3ikiG-OlRD5vA6OCdzE8 With Grill https://mega.nz/#!NtVxyLyB!2X0juk60h3ozeSAufTKw4oBUhjennVxHShfCgGmj95Q WorldWarHulk No Grill https://mega.nz/#!Ets1BDab!xeHs0iC871lVPm7_YSohDUWCaETZ-6o716OEtBetUsA With Grill https://mega.nz/#!41k32ZpC!RLB7qPEyEQrIRzr-pzu1LkWIGKdDD-ASs2E1ry91S74 Fear Itself No grill https://mega.nz/#!I9EQHbAa!gq4ElK_u5e0sQkg1K1JQGS0gUIAAoI2SBEMAhe8w06o With Grill https://mega.nz/#!0xtnVLiI!HWujgHxwtCIz0gGKlcmPvjQ8hptm7WsMKF31rcq8CnU
  13. ok I downloaded autohotkey and read thru the basics and figured out how to get it to work the way i want. Below is the autohotkey script parts i added to the default new script then i compiled into an exe. I setup the launch before to run the compiled script and the script auto kills itself when i hit the key to end emulation and return to pinballx I use. Overall alot easier then I feared it would be. So any X-arcade users or keyboard controller pincab users that want to do something like this, this seems easiest way to deal with it. I found you must use caps for Esc and Enter for it to work and Tab is only needed if you want to navigate the leaderboards ] is key i use to quit back to PinballX Script file:
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