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About nightgaunt98

  • Birthday 11/01/1974

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  1. I know it's been awhile, but I figured out how to achieve this. In Game List Manager, import your art file as the Backglass. Pinballx will display the image on your backglass monitor while the table loads as well as when you exit back to pinballx. It's much easier than I thought!
  2. The "Full Sized Logos" are my collection from when I first started and planned on going the completionist route. The 256x256 logos are the ones I decided to only include in my cab (for now). They were sized that way because after a bit of trial and error that seemed to fit best (at the time) in the squares provided with GameEx. Well, kinda. No, not really. They were rubbish. I was wrong on the dimensions, but I figured it would do for now. Honestly I was not looking forward to resizing them all again individually in Photoshop, so i was just going to leave them as is until another elusive day off from work rolled around and I could try again. And then Draco swooped in like the Patron Angel of OCD and gave us the tutorial found on the first post of this thread! The 400x400 resize method and guide worked perfectly. So yeah, that 256x256 folder is probably worth ditching... His tutorial works extremely well for other projects, I used it to resize all of my marquees and a few other art folders. Saved me countless hours and horrendous stockpiles of art files are now all sized exactly the same with a few keystrokes. Ruling.
  3. Nice! Looks like you are starting to get there... Here's a full vid of my current setup with the grid view using the 400x400 title logos: I'd like to make a custom theme soon and upload it for anyone interested. But I'm wondering if it would cause some headaches for folks trying to use it, it's setup exactly how I want it with only the games I play along with quite a few menu options disabled. You know what I'm talking about, tthurman! It's been causing you a bit of grief, innit? And stigzler, yeah I poked around in there this past weekend. Loaded it all up, found the list of missing logos and started working on 18 Wheeler. But then I was trying to figure out a way to display the rom description name in the list and came back to this thread to see if you had it setup and I was just missing something. Saw that you already created an 18 Wheeler! Figured something was up with the list so instead of creating a bunch of duplicates, I played Robotron and called it a day ;-)
  4. Nice one. I'll have to give this a spin tomorrow as well! Does this automatically list alphabetically or can it display full on custom? Been trying to sort a way to group games like all the damn Pac Man, Darkstalkers (Vampire Savior), etc, etc together along side all other games. No luck so far.
  5. Just a quick blip to let you know I have not abandoned/disappeared! Got a bit slammed with work, but I'm hoping to dedicate a bit of time to this project this weekend...
  6. You know what would be superultracoolandmegaspiffy? A specified image to display on the backglass at the same time as the loading screen is displayed while loading tables. I've been trying to sort out a way to do this for some time and reading through the forums. No dice. Figure it's time to hit up the ole' request line...
  7. I did it on the frontend I was using before I migrated here by creating a theme for each game. An arcade cab would pop up with the marquee and bezel art for each game. The vid would play behind the artwork so it looked like you were standing in front of the cab. It was a HUGE time consuming project. You can see the first draft of it in that silly animated video on my "about me" page in the profile. I completely redid it after the video was made to have the cabs look way more realistic, which was yet another fun and tedious PSD venture... (Which makes me wish I would have waited to make that silly video, ah well) But I'm happy with my final choice as it is now. Anyhoo, back to the task at hand. I downloaded the BitTorrent Sync app and have the folder for the logos. Nice and organized, good job! I'm on my mac right now and will have to set it up on the PC later in the cab so i can check out GameSetMatch. Seriously, nice work on setting all that up!
  8. That is some killer work right there! Dig it! Would there be a way to have a dynamic arcade cab? That would be pretty sweet...
  9. Well said! It was this comment in the Gameex 14.46 thread that prompted me to point this out here before it might become an issue: "Okay thanks. Sorry if I am being holy about it but I need to make sure I am not ripping off HS. I am just an ethical guy. Cheers. Tom" Personally I do not think there should be any concern, but I'm also sensitive to "stepping on toes" as well. No one wants that sort of headache. I believe your explanation clears things up proper, moving on ;-) Upwards and Onwards...
  10. P.S. Hope I didn't come across as rude with that. I would just hate to have this project derailed due to any "conflict of interests"! (HS)
  11. Ummm, well. To be perfectly honest, not really. I can help out periodically but I'm running my own business here and would hate to promise something and not be able to fulfill it. I feel I already spent some hard time on the frontlines gathering up what logos I have and uploaded to the FTP ;-) But if you are stuck on something specific I'm happy to help out whenever I can! Speaking of gathering, I'd like to reiterate that these were all not just pulled from HS. Some were from searching on Google, some I had to create from random artwork found for the rom, some were from torrent Mame art packs, and yes, some were from HS to try and fill the missing gaps. Tom has already expressed concern with some being from HS and using them here and in Evo, but I think I talked him down from his concerns. Just wanted to point that out... From what I can tell before I gave up on trying to get a full set of EVERYTHING in my initial excitement is that a lot of what may be missing are what Draco said, random mahjong puzzle type games titles and wot not.
  12. Not the cleanest of things, but it's getting a bit smoother... I gotta go to bed and step away from photoshop, possibly finish it up and vectorize it tomorrow.
  13. Galaga on a full size playfield is pure insanity. Dig it. Difficult to play with flipper buttons, but damn it sure is cool looking... I was popping back in here to report that I was also having issues with the black screen of doom. When I was testing it initially with the first update, I did not have Gameex in fullscreen while I was troubleshooting something else. While trying to recreate what was happening to millerbrad, I threw Gameex in fullscreen. And there it was. Strange thing is that it was intermittent and random. Sometimes it would happen, sometimes it wouldn't. I can 100% confirm that the latest Gameex.exe you posted above has fixed it on my end in fullscreen. I have been loading games through it for awhile now just to make sure. The ONLY thing I noticed is that while Gameex is fading out and the title logos are shrinking, the animation hangs for a second or two. Not a big deal, but thought I would mention as it may assist in narrowing it down. Sorry I couldn't be of any help Mr. Millerbrand :-(
  14. A good chunk of them, yes. This was back when I first got my cab and thought I would take the completist approach. (changed my mind on that one!) Do a google search for "[rom name] logo png". there you go. There were quite a few I could not find so had to use a flyer or marquee and photoshopped the holy hell out of it. And there is a chunk that I later got from various other sources, some from HS, to fill the gaps. So no. I cannot take full credit on the actual creation on all of these. BUT. If you take the time and effort to search on google individually and then name match them all, you can get them on the interwebs. Or at least fodder to work with. Yeah, it's a bit of work... Not something I think I would like to do again.
  15. Glad they will be put to good use and very excited to see what Evo will bring to the table! ;-)
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