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  1. No. I just started messing around with settings and now its just acting crazy. I've run pinballx for years and never had this many problems with it. Right now all of my tables are showing up and I have visual pinball in the config set to run VP9. I then have an "other system" setup and that's my setup for VP10. Right now if I play a table in VP10 it works fine. Loads up, runs, I can exit it. If I try to run a VP9 table though it will just sit at loading. If I check the log I don't even see it saying its executing the VP9 exe file. And here's a bonus issue that just came up. If it gets stuck trying to load VP9 I have to crash the pinballx from task manager. This is causing the mouse pointer to turn into a single pixel until I go back into the mouse config and change the pointer to some random setting and apply it. It then changes back into whatever pointer the setting is. I used to run pinballx 3.29 before I had to rebuild the OS on this table. I installed the new version of it though since I'm redoing the whole setup and I've never had this many problems with it before. It just worked before with some minor setting tweaks.
  2. It is enabled. So I did manage to get it to at least show the tables. I went into the general config section and under system list changed them both to enabled and then disabled. Now it shows me all tables but I have another issue. After changing that when I run the VP10 tables they run just fine. If I now go to run the VP9 tables nothing happens. I check the log and it's not even starting VP9 to run. Also if I now go back into the config and under the custom system of VP10 and disable it then the VP9 tables run just fine.
  3. I had this setup and working before I had to redo my table setup, but currently I can run everything fine with the default visual pinball setup. I have it running VP9 and it works fine. I'm trying to add an additional "other system" that will run the VP10 executable. I have it setup and I've also added the game to the new setup in game manager, but when I run pinballx it's not even selectable from the game list. PinballX.ini log.txt
  4. Well that's what I thought about the stuck button. Although I did find a strange way around it. So what I did was to hold the button I wanted to configure while I hit the option to configure it. The dialog box did what it has been doing but it did set the button correctly.
  5. I recently had to reformat my system and now running into an issue with the config. If I open the joystick config section and click on to remap a key it will open the dialog box to choose a key but immediately close. I can see it popping up and then just going away. Anyone run into this one before?
  6. Strange part is I had the backup gameex.ini from the previous setup. I dropped that into the directory and it now it works fine. Bezel loads up, doesn't keep asking me to reload games. Not really sure what in the config is messed up, but it seems to work.
  7. Sure thing. Here you go. This was just me opening gameex and getting prompted to update roms. I aborted that and then went into my game list and tried to start galaga as an example. GameEx.ini log.txt
  8. Running into two issues. I just upgraded my cabinet and every time I exit and go back into gameex it asks me to update my rom list. Second issue is if I have the bezel enabled for vertical games half the games won't load. It will try to drop into mame and then kick right back to the rom list. In the log file the only difference I can see is on the games that won't work it looks like this: cmd.exe /c C: C:\Emulators\Mame\mame64.exe kchamp -rompath z:\mame -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo -ctrlr xarcade -volume -32 -artwork -artwork_directory artworkgameex Any game that is working has the same type of command, but nothing around the artworkgameex folder reference.
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