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  1. Good evening. I'm trying to run the ps3 emulator also in gameex. But I'm having the same problem reported. Using this command line:

    rpcs3.exe "[ROMPATH] \ [ROMFILE]"

    The emulator starts but displays a white screen.
    Were you able to solve this problem?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 175650




      do you have load the firmware in the firt execution of the emulator ??

    3. Alan Ribas

      Alan Ribas

      I tested two different games. Both entered normally. But after the fourth boot, one of them simply stopped working.

      In the game called Dragon's Crow the first few times I entered the game ran normally. Now a white screen appears.
      And yes I installed the firmware before starting the games.

    4. 175650


      rpcs3.exe is not very stable at this time 


      you must be patient :-)

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