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  1. Can you post Car Hop? I see it in the list but didn't find it in the thread when I searched. THanks!!
  2. Just wanted to say thanks for the help and advice. Since then I've added like 10 tables with no issues with conflicts and such. Just now naming the table file AND all media files the same exact name. Much easier. I haven't fixed Fire! yet but at least Simpsons and Batman Forever went on without a hitch despite multiple pinballs named close. Thanks again!
  3. So just to clarify, the Visual Pinball.xml file seems to really only list the game names and descriptions. Plus like Hide DMD and Hide Backglass etc, but doesn't list specific media files. So if I rename the "game" section to Hose Williams (1987) it will then link up all the Hose media files? So the game names in the Visual Pinball.xml files are different than the names that appear on the PinballX menu? Pretty sure I understand what youre staying. I assume I could also in the future just start naming tables and media the same but something unique. Like for Simpsons Pinball Party when I attempt it, I could name everything TSPP etc. And that should link up from the get go. Am I pretty much on target? THanks!
  4. I'm having this same issue. And I don't want to turn File Matching off at this point cause I have 118 tables already on here and all using File Matching cause if I understand correctly, when you turn off File Matching, it just acts like it was never on so ALL that media you used file matching on disappears and you have to redo it all manually. But again, I'm having a similar issue. I added Fire! Williams (1987) or whatever and even though I selected the Fire! wheel logo it added the Fireball wheel logo and attached all Fireball and Firepower media to it. So then I tried renaming all the media Hose Williams (1987) and it fixed all of it but the audio. For some reason it insists on keeping Firepower audio no matter how many times I try to fix it. I want to add Batman Forever and Simpsons Pinball PArty but considering I have other Batman games and other Simpson games I figure I'm going to run into the same issue. So is your suggested solution to rename the table like aFire then all of the media also aFire then delete any current entry and start over? I know that there's a Visual Pinball.xml file in the databases but it just lists the game names. Where does it store all the attached media? You can't just manually edit them in some .xml file? That would be an easier fix. Thanks for any help!
  5. I purchased a VP Cabinet that came with PinballX 1.88. I have had a handful of hard freezes, once within the PinballX wheel menu and then a few more inside of a pinball game. So I am thinking something with PinballX isn't too happy. So I want to try and update and hopefully that will fix things. How do I update to make sure I don't lose any of my stuff? Do I just run the .exe and let it go or should I prepare first to not lose anything? Thanks for any help!
  6. I don't see it on the FTP list but do you have the table audio for Lost in Space anywhere? thanks!
  7. Haha damn, I swear I searched. Okay, I got a couple more that are probably in the thread but I swear I searched for them!! Ripley's Believe it or Not (Stern) Junkyard (Williams) Thanks so much!
  8. Can you post X-Men (Stern) ? I searched thread and didnt see it. Thanks a ton!
  9. can you post The Machine: Bride of PinBot and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein when you get a chance? didnt see it in the thread. Thanks!
  10. gStav, can you add Batman Data East 1991 as an attachment when you get the chance? thanks!
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