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Everything posted by brienj

  1. If you have NTFS drives and Windows 7, use the built in one on a schedule. Works great on my system. If you have an older version of Windows or don't use NTFS, then you might want to use an aftermarket one.
  2. I did, all you have to do is put them in the "Media" folder of the theme. You can directly download them in the PNG format and name them what you want. Then just change the background image for the GameCube Dolphin and the Wii Dolphin emulator in the GameEx advanced emulator setup. They'll show up in the drop down menu for the background if you put them in the Media folder like I said.
  3. I use the Arcade Theme right now, but noticed it did not have backgrounds for GameCube or Wii, so I made these from the other Nintendo systems that it did have. I know it's not perfect. They both just say Nintendo, but I had problems finding a close match on the font. They do have pictures of the consoles like the other ones though. Maybe the author of the theme could think about making a GameCube and Wii background, but until then, you can use these.
  4. Once you run the shutdown command, you have to run "shutdown /a" in order to abort the shutdown process.
  5. You can easily make a batch file to accomplish this, and I think it is not only the simplest method, but the one I would recommend. So just have PinballX launch the batch file after it exits. @echo offVLC.exe "XXXXX"shutdown /s /f /t TTTTTReplace XXXXX with your video name with full path. Replace TTTTT with the time in seconds of the length of the video, plus maybe 1 or 2 seconds. This is also assuming you use VLC as your video player. Just replace VLC.exe with whatever video player you choose to use.
  6. I would sometimes have problems with HideOS becoming the frontmost program and making the screen black, so I created this program - http://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/69-gameex-to-front/ I don't know if that is your issue, but if you set GameEx to launch my program when GameEx starts or right before MAME launches, it might solve your problem.
  7. A pincab is going to be my next project. I thought about getting another Vizio to use in it, but I am probably going to just use my old 47" I have in my bedroom and replace it with a new TV for my bedroom, or put the 50" in my bedroom and get a bigger TV for the front room. The cool thing is that my wife is 100% behind me making these, no matter the cost. I couldn't be luckier.
  8. Completed the USB Mount, just needs paint and trim:
  9. As far as your shutdown problems, have you checked your BIOS settings? You want to make sure that you have the power button set to shut down all the way. Also, you may be holding down the power button for a different period of time. Some motherboards, ATX in particular, will shut down completely whenever you hold the power button for more than 4 seconds, but may only go into suspend mode if held for less, depending on the setting in the BIOS. This could explain why it sometimes shuts down, and sometimes doesn't. I also wonder why you don't just use the shutdown menu in GameEx, since you are using it, the best way to shutdown, is using the menu to do it.
  10. It's a Vizio 50" TV and the bezels come that thin. Yeah, the holsters are actually gutter ends, but the guns fit them perfectly. HAHA Once I paint them black, they will look much better and blend right in. I also plan on putting chrome wire covers over the cables for the guns, something like this. I have a little bit of work left, but hope to get it done soon.
  11. That's strange, because I set it to also check if it is minimized and maximize it if it is, so I don't know what is going on.
  12. brienj

    GameEx To Front

    Version 1.0


    I created this program to force GameEx to be the top most program, above HideOS. Sometimes HideOS would become the topmost program and GameEx would become hidden. This program solves that problem. Just add this program to be launched by GameEx after it starts. Thanks for trying out the program, hope it works for you. Brien L. Johnson, president of XHP Creations.
  13. Alright, I made the program, can you test it out on your system and see if it works? Just add the program to be launched by GameEx after starting. It worked on my system, hopefully it works for you too. http://www.mediafire.com/download/c5s7pr8pc6df11p/GameExToFront.zip
  14. Yeah, it's a real easy program to write. I made the Shell Starter program here, and I have a program to automatically make the fighting game EF-12 go full-screen when launched, and to make sure the process closes when going back to GameEx, but I haven't released it yet, because nobody showed any interest for it. But I'll whip a program up and submit it here, and as long as they accept it, you can get it and use it. I'll set it up to see if HideOS is running and make it go to the background, and then make GameEx go to the front. I just have to remember the Windows API commands for that, but I know it can be done. I believe I have the code in one of my programs already.
  15. I don't know, I didn't program it, and not sure if he changed something in how HideOS works or anything. Like I said, I can make a small program that can launch and make HideOS go to the back and GameEx to the front right after it launches though. It would be nice if the problem could just be fixed, or someone could suggest something to keep HideOS from starting when it shouldn't. Try renaming HideOS to something else, then it won't launch.
  16. PC Specs - Intel Core i5 4440 (3.10GHz) 4GB DDR3 1TB HDD GeForce GTX750 2048MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit Pretty much done with it, except finishing up the front real nice. It has a sliding keyboard tray, two light gun holsters, and an X-Arcade Tankstick. It will plug into TV with HDMI, or I can hook up a monitor and place on top real easily. I can even have both of them hooked up for things that have dual screens. The beginning of my project: After the back panel was put in: Light Gun Mount (will be painting black): Storage for monitor, flight stick, and Xbox controllers, the USB Hub mounting and finishing wood not completed yet: View of the sliding keyboard tray: And here is a video of it booting up: https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t43.1792-2/10930535_10202462196596103_813216977_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjE1MDAsInJsYSI6MTAyNH0%3D&rl=1500&vabr=610&oh=ba5b0f6b6cb46436eeda19d58dbe84c7&oe=550F5E95
  17. Turn off hiding the taskbar too. That is what helped me keep HideOS from starting. But I still had to delay startup, because of other programs I had starting. If HideOS starts at all though, it always takes focus away.
  18. I got the same problem after an update, two updates ago, and I don't know what is causing it, but for me, delaying the startup for it helped the problem go away.
  19. I can write a program that can move the GameEx process to the front and HideOS to the back, if you want, and then you could have it launch after GameEx started. The ideal situation would be if HideOS was programmed to automatically stay in the background, but that is something that would have to be done by Tom.
  20. I had the same problem, the way I solved it was by delaying its startup about 5 seconds after every other app starts up or by making it the OS shell. This is the startup delay program I used, because I was too lazy to make my own program - http://www.r2.com.au/page/products/show/startup-delayer/ I've recently switched back to using explorer as the shell, with the startup delay, and just hacking everything to hide that windows is present. Some of the programs I have running in the background, my Xbox 360 wireless controller programs, one to show battery level pressing the guide button and one to turn off the controller by long holding the guide button, as well as a few other important programs, didn't want to operate very well with GameEx as the shell.
  21. I attached a little teaser picture of the progress of the pedestal. Glad it works. BTW, I also made another little program that will launch EF-12 full-screen and then destroy the game running after you use the hot-key to go back to GameEx. I could never figure out a way to make the game go fullscreen, other than clicking on the maximize button, and my program will do that automatically for you after it launches. Also, the game would not be killed by GameEx when you pressed the hot-key to go back to GameEx, so my program will also kill the game if you set it to launch after game exit in the GameEx settings. Not sure if anyone here knows about the game, but I found it about a week ago and it's a pretty fun 3D fighting engine. Been searching hard to find some custom created content for it. It's like a 3D M.U.G.E.N. I may end up just making some of my own fighters, but it's been a long time since I messed with 3D Studio Max. Anyways, if anyone shows interest in EF-12, I'll upload that program too.
  22. Just select explorer.exe to be your shell in the "Shell To Use" and click the Submit button, then your shell would be back to the Windows Shell. The path for explorer is 'C:\Windows\' at least on all previous versions of Windows, I would assume that to be the case for Windows 8 as well. Thanks for the confirmation it works on Windows 8.
  23. I'll add that info to the app page soon. You can also set it up as an application to run in the external programs section.
  24. Yeah, I was thinking about updating it to save your current registry before applying the changes and then offer to go back to how it was. Not sure when I could get that don though. Here is the registry entry it affects though - \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell
  25. Yeah, I am about to just scrap my idea for a theme. If there were more options available in the themes, this would be easier.
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